The call of the MOO

Day 1,910, 13:21 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Well I feel like breaking my long media silence to shower upon you readers some idea what has been going on in ma head for the past few weeks.
So excuse me while I pony up to the old typing machine...

That's better....

So, the first order of business is explaining why I have left the Canadian Progressive Front for the Ministry of Opportunity.

For the past several weeks following my departure from party president of the CPF I have been struggling to mind my place in eCanada. A number of options ran through my head ranging from going on tour to straight up taking a break from erep. Instead I opted to more or less two-click. (with the exception of the distribution of weapons for the Tuesday Fight Night in the Captains of Industry MU).

But after reading Addy's plan for a revitalized MOO I had to ask myself, am I doing any good where I currently am? The CPF is a wonderful political group of people and I am proud to have served with them for many moons. But it is time for a new cadre of players to start picking up the reigns (IMO) so it will be interesting to see where things go there (nudge nudge Michael23?).

Therefore I see in a new MOO somewhere where I can lend a hand and help create something new and give me some purpose here again. I have joined this party in the hopes that MOO will be able to be a new party with no old grudges. A blank slate that is open to all and opposed to none.
I clearly see this in the 8 Opportunities listed as the parties ideals.

Character platform:
Opportunity #1: Don't be a dick.
Opportunity #2: Pay It Foward.
Opportunity #3: Forgive and Forget
Opportunity #4: Act With Integrity

Game platform:
Opportunity #5: Be A Good Ally
Opportunity #6: Relentlessly Pursue Self-Sufficiency
Opportunity #7: Know Your Stuff
Opportunity #8: Government's Role Is To Provide A Competitive Advantage

For more details check out Addy's article here:

For now I will continue to drop the odd article to lay out random thoughts that come to mind about the potential of MOO.