The 11 Most Groundbreaking Inventions Of 2015

Day 2,949, 02:32 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ekfant
The book that filters water

The Drinkable Book contains pages that act as water pages, which kill 99% of harmful bacteria. This is an invention that could literally save millions of lives.

The Ocean Vacuum

The device would use the natural currents of the sea to collect the trash, with the nets being shallow enough that they would not endanger any wildlife. If next year’s trials are a success, the device could potentially reduce the amount of trash by 42% over 10 years.

The Transparent Truck

Using a live camera, the upcoming road is relayed onto a screen on the back of the vehicle, allowing drivers to have a clear view of what’s ahead.

Microsoft Hololens

This technology allows the user to completely transform their world – for example, video gamers could be seeing their own homes be invaded by zombies.


Enter Hackaball, a toy/mobile app combo that teaches kids how coding works, through fun social-scenarios.


Working behind a desk all day, someone have developed the posture of a humpbacked gerbil. A good posture can be so beneficial for your health, and with the help of this chip, back pain could soon be a thing of the past. After placing the device on your back, it vibrates whenever you start to slouch or stoop.

Power Pasta

It contains twice the protein and four times the fibre of normal pasta, and also has fewer carbs.


With this app, you can always know that your home is secure – it even records who comes an goes an when they do do.


The minor movements stimulate the relaxed throat muscles, allowing the individual’s airways to assume their natural position, so they can breathe normally (no more snoring).

Ayaskan plant pot

The geometric plant pot from Ayaskan not only looks modern and sleek, but it also grows with your plant, meaning you never have to purchase another one.


Without a doubt the invention of the year…
…just kidding. These things are pretty terrible, and I welcome the day when they are banished from our streets forever. Unless they’re going to make the one Back To The Future, don’t call it a hoverboard.

Ekfant 😃