Syndicate and Pacifica are the two reasons why Asteria is the winner

Day 3,431, 22:29 Published in Japan Japan by Principe Alessandro

Greetings Japanese citizens, currently through two media articles, published after the US president has proposed an airstrike against Ukraine that most likely is going to be approved by the US congress, Pacifica and Syndicate members have thrown against each other a series of accusations and recriminations.

Well the subject of my article aren't those accusations but the completely flawed and wrong historical revisionism of the past events in eRepublik that both articles have presented.

Firstly nobody can deny the fact that Pacifica is an alliance of opportunist and unloyal allies that actually has no real wish to fight Asteria and Serbia, in Japan we have already experienced that US isn't a loyal ally when they back-stabbed us for Taiwan, more recently the only thing the US accomplished was to lose a war against the UK, when Hungary was at war with Romania other Pacifica members didn't lifted a finger to help but instead forced Hungary to sign a NAP with Romania, Pacifica only managed to attack proAsteria countries like UK and Indonesia but never dared to attack core Asteria members, not only that but the US itself also have signed many MPPs with Asteria members like Slovenia, Romania, Portugal and Peru.

But if we look closely at the past history of Pacifica members, especially in the case of US and Poland, they always sought to align themselves to the stronger side, US and Poland have destroyed countless of alliances just because they realized that they were playing in the losing side. Seeking loyalty from such allies is a pipe dream.

On the other hand we have Syndicate that is nothing more than the result of the toxic alliance between Croatia, Greece and Turkey: by ditching Macedonia and Bulgaria to keep Greece and Turkey as allies Croatia only managed to destroy any possibility of unifying all the antiAsteria nations, with this mistake countries like Bulgaria, Macedonia, Indonesia, Spain and UK had no other choice but to join the proAsteria side.

Croatian leaders at the time made a shortsighted choice in the name of a supposed old "brotherhood" that in reality was nothing more than the friendship of group of old players, the so called EDENites because their personal friendship dated back when their countries were EDEN members.

The alliance of Greece, Croatia and Turkey wasn't built for the sake of the strategic interests of those countries but only for the sake of those old players that just wanted to keep alive the old alliance structures which they always managed to control.

The fact that Syndicate players still blame long time known unloyal allies (Pacifica) for being unloyal allies while at the same time they still don't understand that in the first instance their mistake was to keep away the only possible loyal allies they could have like Bulgaria and Macedonia is only a further sign that they cannot accept the fact that the reason for being in the losing side with unloyal allies is their own fault.

After understanding a bit of past history maybe people can better understand the reason why Asteria is currently dominating instead of fabricating a false narrative of past events.