Stepping Into the EWorld And One of the Many Forms It Can Take

Day 3,481, 17:03 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

At first glance this game like many others, can look a bit intimidating. Wiki-pages, a large community, and plenty of different features can be a lot to take in. After a short tutorial and clicking around you will find that you are incredibly outranked and incredibly outmatched in almost every walk of life. Just like real life. Don't be discouraged if you hit a level gap. You have to keep pushing and one day you might be the awe of some noob player who may be standing in your current shoes.

That being said a few friends and I have made our first steps into the EWorld and we have found quite a few routes to travel down.

For instance. My good friend Josip Marinic is off fighting for a Free-Croatia, and upon doing so he has made a ton of friends and allies along the way. Also receiving Awards, Experience, Weapons, Food, and Bonuses. He says he might even have a genuine chance of learning fluent Russian because of this game.

Thats just one of many routes one can take in an ever changing and diverse world such as the one we are in.

As for myself? I'm on the fence still about where I should spend my time and one day ill probably have my eureka moment and ill probably let anyone reading this know. Until then enjoy the summer, if you reside in the states. Thanks for reading.