Statement of Intent: Kavman SFP PP

Day 3,822, 19:19 Published in USA USA by kavman011

Statement of Intent

This is to act as a statement of intent from Kavman to run as Socialist Freedom Party (SFP) President.

1. My first priority for the SFP is to focus on the junior members of the party.
- In 12 Years in the eWorld, I have seen a large group of people come and go. The question begs; why would someone leave? The answer is complicated and depends on the individual. But upon closer inspection, people tend to leave parties because they are not supported enough, or do not feel part of the team. This is my goal: To involve all members in the decisions, and day to day operations of the party. This includes total accountability, and transparency.

2. Priority number 2 is membership. While we currently have 127 members in the SFP, and hold a 23% congressional delegation; there will always be room for improvement. But how can we attract more members into the hollowed realm? Support, Support, Support. People like to be supported. Instead of arguing, and fighting we should be combining our ideas and formulating a collective mind within the party. Quick History lesson: President Theodore Roosevelt was originally a member of the Republican Party in the United States. During his second term as president, amid a rift between TR's followers, and more left-leaning Republicans he decided to run as the candidate for the Bull-Moose Party. Taking with him numerous republicans, and weakening the foundation of the republican party. A collective goal, and thought process is important. This does not mean that everyone can be right all the time, however we must understand the other side's point of view, and learn to compromise. This is a Republic. Meaning that majority rules, as stated in the SFP Constitution, we vote for everything. But trolling through the voting, one trend stands out. We do not have many voters exercising their rights, and expressing their opinions. This leads to Priority number 3.

3. Priority 3 is simple. Encourage party participation. As stated above, we are a party of 127 members (#2 in eUS) so, when we hold any referendum we should be seeing more than 23 votes. We all hold a part in this party, and must exercise these god-given rights, otherwise there is no reason to continue the world's greatest experiment. Political Apathy is one major facet that contributed to the fall of Greece. People would rather live day-to-day than elect people who had the knowledge, and capabilities to lead.

Party Cabinet:
Vice President-*
Secretary General-Orly Levy Abekasis
Special Adviser to the PP- Mormeg
* Denotes member has not accepted, or declined invitation.

These nominations are to start the trend of involving the Junior members of the party, who have displayed activity, and eagerness. Within the party is where we make great politicians. I have sent all nominations messages as of 1900 Day 3822; At the time of press release, I have not received confirmation from those denoted with an *.

I would like to open the invitation to any member of the SFP that feels they align with my goals, and has ideas of how to improve past those said above. I look forward to voting, and working with whoever wins the Party Chair. Best of luck to all candidates!


Candidate Socialist Freedom Party President