SPP - misiune indeplinita ...

Day 1,411, 03:27 Published in Republic of Moldova Singapore by maruseav
Acest mesaj se adresaza civililor tuturor e-natiunilor.

Cred ca pana in prezent este cel mai de succes update pe care l-au introdus in joc. Dupa parerea mea odata cu introducerea limitei de 5 angajati/companie ma facea sa ma gandesc doar la un singur lucru si anume acel ca ei doresc sa destrame unitatile militare.

Update-ul pe care il introduc de aceasta data incepand cu ziua 1410 erepublik, este unul de a determina populatia de a adera la o unitate militara pentru ca numai ca membru al unei unitati militare poti sa indeplinesti ordinul din acea zi care poate fi de forma: Omoara 25 de inamici in X razboi,regiune, batalie, ...

Atentie mare, zilnic indeplinind misiunea pe care comandantul unitatii o stabileste primiti cate un energizant si o bazooka. In felul acesta se maresc sansele si celor cu strength mic de a lupta pentru un Battle Hero o data la cateva zile.

Nu pot sa va oblig eu sa mergeti intr-o anume unitate militara, este doar optiunea voastra de a alege, insa pot sa va recomand unitatea militara SPP .

SPP = misiune indeplinita = 1 energizant si 1 bazooka zilnic.

Maruseav, membru SPP .

This message is for all civilians from all e-nations.

I think that this is the most successfully update what they added in this game. In my opinion start with the update that the companies can`t hire more than 5 employees made me think about only one thing, they want to destroy the military units.

This time, the update what they added start with 1410 day of erepublik, is to determine the civilians to join a military units, because only the MU-members can accomplish the order of the day, and this order can sound like: Kill 25 enemies in X war, region, battle, ...

Big attention, if you can accomplish the mission that the commander of military unit proposes every day, you receive one energy bar and one bazooka. In this way it increase the chance for users with small strength to fight for a Battle Hero every few or several days.

I can`t determinate you to join a specific military unit, it`s just your change, but i can to recommend you my military unit SPP .

SPP = Mission accomplished = 1 energy bar and 1 bazooka every day.

Sorry for eventually grammatical errors.

Maruseav, SPP member.