SPITAL, CASA. Hospital, house

Day 320, 09:54 Published in Romania Romania by andrei-gl

As I promised, I gave a Q2 house to Grim Reaper(from the money of KIEV) because she is one of the oldest citizens in this city, maybe the oldest, not sure. She has been active, etc.

Another good thing in Kiev is THE NEW HOSPITAL. By the courtesy of Shoby, Ministerul Invatamantului have us a Q1 Hospital, as a result of this action [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-684614.html]article[/a] .


Dupa cum am promis, am acordat o casa Q2 cetatencei Grim Reaper, din banii primariei, deoarece este printre primii, daca nu prima din acest oras. A fost active,etc.

Alt lucru bun in Kiev este spitalul cel nou. Din darnicia lui Shoby, Ministerul Invatamantului ne-a dat un spital Q1, ca rezultat al acestei actiuni. [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-684614.html]articol[/a] .