SFP Propaganda

Day 3,409, 15:49 Published in USA USA by Genevieve Gilliam

Well, I'm not very good at convincing people, but since I support the SFP wholeheartedly, I guess I'll try to use my meager abilities in the hope that someone out there might be swayed.

Why you should support the SFP (in the form of a listicle!)

1. We are one of the few political parties that are open to everyone and that means conservative, liberal, raving monster loonies, anything you can think of.

2. For you communists out there, we are farther left than any other major party, so your 'dictatorship of the proletariat' is more likely to be met with applause and cheers instead of boos and jeers.

3. For all we know, this game could be a virtual mmo, so our actions might not matter, so you could sign up for this party without any major consequences since nothing would matter.

I could go on, but you should just join the SFP and find all of the benefits for yourself!