SFP on the rise and WTP has a good dental plan

Day 4,271, 09:01 Published in USA USA by King James88
SFP on the rise and WTP has a good dental plan

I see that that the Socialist Freedom Party is on the rise again. Probably because they have a good dental plan. Guess what the We The People Party has a good dental plan too. We tell you to floss daily and rinse your mouth out with mouthwash. So much bs enters that we need to keep our mouths nice and fresh. Even if your toothbrush is bigger only you can prevent tooth decay.

If anyone joins the We The People Party we will give them a free toothbrush. Yes free I know and very socialist but hey we are nice people. Everyone now a days has a gimmick. Just don't tell anyone the secret though or I will have to hunt you down.