SERBIAN STORY #2 - The Country

Day 1,279, 18:12 Published in USA Serbia by Jovan Tekelija

To my eSerbian readers, овај чланак је наставак претходног. Као што тамо рекох, ово су моја размишљања. Ако вам се не свиђа или нисте сагласни немојте дати глас. За све остало, ту је комент секшн билоууу 😉


This is the second part of my Serbian Story. In this one we’ll discuss things like: what eSerbia is about, what makes it tick and how, organization and commitment.
As I said in the previous article, this is about eSerbs, not about Serbs or Serbia.
This is the first article. 138 comments. It has to be worth reading, I guess.Good or bad. 😃


They’re terrible. Not all of them, of course, and not entirely(as persons, but just when they ‘do’ politics).
It is somewhat a generally accepted opinion that politicians are the worst part of the eSerbian society. Politics is done very aggressively in eSerbia. As I have already explained in the previous article, (e)Serbs adore politics. We love infighting, quarreling and such things. The ‘normal’ (non-political, neutral) population is easily and quickly …well, obviously not DRAGGED into politician-instigated mud-wrestling. I just couldn’t think of a better word XD

In their struggle to ensure their party’s supremacy, they are ready to do almost anything. From lying to stealing someone else’s glory, from multiing to paying for votes. eSerbia is a mess during elections. That is a period when all of the eSerbian society’s filth comes to the surface.


On the election day you get a bunch of messages from congress candidates, where they’re either trying to bribe you to vote for them, or promising you things. In that period there are many give-away actions where people are trying to ‘buy’ political support with free bread and guns. Thanks to Plato’s decision to enable everyone to have their own companies and work in them, such actions are now not only done by politicians, so their own are just one drop in the ocean 😃

After such affairs, it is logical that our congress becomes lame as hell, as people who are in it are mostly party-puppets. Thanks to eRepublik mechanisms(sincerely) Congress is not that important in this game.
Needless to say, most of these don’t really have any ideas or any real intentions of making eSerbia ‘a better place’. They’re in it for the medal and the gold.

It’s a great thing when you are a ‘foreigner’ like me, so you don’t get this crap in such degree XD


Once again, game mechanisms don’t really allow any different policies from parties, like it doesn’t allow any other political system than democracy(and American CP type, too). It is pretty much like in the eUS, they are named either after their RL beliefs, after some slogan or something completely random. Examples are those of top parties I know something about.

UeS – United eSerbia- most people would agree this is the most serious party in eSerbia. Many great eSerbs come from this party, leaders and writers likewise. They really mean business. This is both their best quality and their vice. They sometimes act too big-headed, like they’re the only ones who are right. Such stance has made them complacent at times, and it is pretty obvious that UeS is stagnating as most of their leading members are old players who have either run out of ideas or energy.
Most popular member –Clueless.

SZR – Common Sense Party- as you can see, this party is from the random-names one. At first glance they appear to be this unserious, laid-back group of people. However, this is not so. Among those bunch of spammers or trolls or just plain moronic characters(present in every party, but given most opportunity in SZR XD) there is a group of players who know exactly what they’re doing. Hiding behind their ‘slowride, take it easy’ façade they are able to perform some of the greatest political stunts this game has ever seen. Master-manipulators in one word.
Most popular member – desert hamster

SeS - (Let’s) Preserve eSerbia- Lipec’s babyboom party. This party held the political pedestal for a very long time, thanks to both their huge number of members and Lipec’s popularity(‘father of eSerbia’). Sadly for them, they were always better at writing articles than actually leading the country. A financial fiasco during the last time SeS had a CP sealed their casket and this party is probably never going to return to their former glory.
Most popular member – Lipec

SNO – Serbian National Defense – one of the most stable political parties out there. SNO have proved themselves as great coalition partner. During my time here, they were never strong enough to tackle the top-of-the-country place, and they’ve mostly worked in coalitions. Their membership contains mostly the nationalist type, the ones who hold some traditional RL views even in this game as sacred.
Nowadays, this party is fighting for survival among the TOP 5.
Most popular member - …emm, I’m not sure. But let’s say it’s KNJAZ PAVICEVIC. XD

SDF – Social-Democratic Forum – The group that insists on being a forum and not a party. As is obvious, their ideology is based on RL views, and you could say they should be SNO’s opposite, and these two parties are pretty similar. SDF is in and out of TOP 5 lately, and they’re trying to attract new members by advertising themselves as the…forum of friends and a place where someone is bound to have most fun. With a lively chat channel they have stood up to their self-announced reputation but that has not really helped them achieve their goals.
Most popular member – Nessko

DSS – Democratic Party of Serb Republic – This is in fact an eBosnian Serb party, but after the fall of Bosnia their leadership decided to go on to the next level, so they switched to eSerbia. This party has been very successful in the elections they participated in so far, and mostly due to two facts:
1. They chose fib to be their CP candidate, and as fib is one of our main tanks plus he’s a funny and a charismatic guy, this ensured they would easily get the CP spot.
2. Their experience in eBosnia. Those have taught them how to regularly share the votes between their candidates so not one would be thrown away.
Most popular member – Brdar Dragan

AP – Action Movement(?) – on-and-off party in eSerbia. Often accused of foul play as they used military units in order to get to their goals. As they don’t have any real continuity in their performances one is bound to doubt their commitment to the ‘cause’. That ‘one’ is not necessarily me, but yeah, this is the reason why I don’t know that much about them XD

It has to be said, like in eUSA, most members of these parties are politically inactive players, so these descriptions I have given cannot really be applied generally to these parties when we’re talking about members.
As I have previously said, this is mostly because of game mechanics.

I had a dream last night, and it…

In the previous article you can read the Leadership 1 ( XD ) where I explained how Serbs hate to be led.
Now I’m going to describe how there are times when Serbs do like to be led.

Serbs are a very passionate people. We don’t take most things for granted. I cannot name many things Serbs are indifferent about. We have opinions about almost everything, which is good. The problem(well, not really a problem but...) is that when Serbs believe in something they will fight as long as necessary just to prove it’s the right opinion.


So, while Serbs hate to be led, they hate it even more when someone questions their opinion.
That is very obvious when it comes to ePolitics. They may not like someone as a person, they may not even agree with his actions, but if that person is a member of their party they will defend that person to the death whenever his actions are questioned by the opponents. This creates lack of trust between different parties and ensures that whenever you need a joint effort on something, it is almost impossible to be achieved.
When the ‘outsider’ enemy is dealt with, we turn to our infighting and our attribute of not liking to be led turns back on.


We hate his guts. Plain and simple.
Obviously, not the real Plato but this phony, eRepublik one.
This is not only because Serbs hate authority, but also because of great decisions ‘Plato’ has made.
[This is not a public discussion. This is the way things are. Deal with it, and don’t delete the article for it!]


Government is divided into different ministries. It is possible that I might omit some, but forgive me, it is 2:24 at the moment.
I will divide ministries into three groups. Important, unimportant and the ones in the middle.

Important Ministries:
-DoD-Department of Defense/Ministarstvo odbrane-MOD
-MoFA- Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
-CP Office

These ministries are practically the same as in eUSA so any further explanations would be unnecessary.
I have included the CP Office as a Ministry as the CP has his own org and the newspaper bulletin which is very important. It is called Voice of the President of eSerbia (if I am not mistaken 😒 )

Unimportant Ministries:
-Health Ministry – Ministarstvo zdravlja
-Education Ministry – Ministarstvo obrazovanja eSrba
-Police –Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova

Health Ministry and Police are nowadays pretty similar, as they mostly deal with dealing out free bread to new citizens. The only difference is that MUP (Police) sometimes sends out warnings to citizens about phishing attempts or some suspicious links that appear on eRepublik.
Education is used to …educate people. From writing game tutorials, newspaper tutorials to writing grammar lessons to the less-literate ones, they’ve done it all.

In the Middle:

-Economics Ministry – Ministarstvo ekonomije
-Ministry of Information – Ministarstvo informisanja

Two of these were much more important before when economy made sense: VALLETTA and Ministry of Economics. VALLETTA was an org that was used to bring gold into eSerbia by selling Serbian products for gold only. Its role is practically done nowadays.
Ministry of Information could be among the unimportant Ministries as well, if it didn’t, first of all, have some awesome people in it over these months, and publish articles about the latest changes in eRepublik.

That’s it for this time.
In the next article I’ll write about some more personal views of society, RL links and similar.
As far as I’m concerned, this formal introduction of eSerb bigjob society is done. If someone has any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments or via PM, concerning the topic in this article.