SColbert For CP

Day 2,841, 11:50 Published in USA USA by Molly Emma

For your listening pleasure:
Don't Wanna Fight - Alabama Shakes
SColbert- Building a Better Tommorrow... Today
Day 2841

It is with a glad heart that I am able to run as SColbert's Veep this coming month. He has all the intelligence, experience and just enough cynicism needed to do a great job as our Country President in September.

Foreign affairs has always been the benchmark for success in this nation. Even when have been utterly defeated militarily, we have had the right people in the right places to broker a deal for our people. There have been Foreign Policy successes recently but there is much more we can do and SColbert is the man with the connections and the knowledge to re-cement old relationships and bring our Foreign Policy back in line with what many have spent years nurturing and growing.

With renewed connections and better coordination we hope to be able to embark on more military actions that are better-communicated and better-executed to give us a better chance at success. We have it within us to win more often than not, just that the drivers that move people are different today than in yesteryear. Today, we have to appeal to the individual and try to incorporate their goals into broader military actions in order to get everyone moving in the same direction. It's not longer as simple as handing out more tanks and food. We have to spend time with our allies working for them so when it's our turn, they work for us. The game is ours to win or lose, but creative solutions are the order of the day.

There are few groups in this game that collectively have as much experience and energy as the cabinet that has been assembled for this administration. They have all the tools necessary to return our country to greatness. It says a lot about the character of SColbert that has has been able to endear all these great Americans to his vision of what this country can be.

With a humble heart and all my energy, time and resources I am committed to helping him and his team succeed in our endeavors this month and, by extension, help this country succeed in a game where we are constantly re-evaluating how best to adjust to today's eRep. So vote SColbert on 9/5 for the best damn look at what America still can be if we can just get out of our own way to find ourselves.

SColbert for President!!


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SColbert for CP