Same work, more benefits, more opportunities [TCO]

Day 836, 10:33 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Wages for a skill 5 land worker lists at $6.50 as of the time of publishing this article. What if you could earn the equivalent of $9 a day instead. Would you be interested?

The Crimson Order offers base salaries that are competitive in these difficult economic times with the added benefits of 5 free guns every second day (or 2.5 guns a day).

That is what The Crimson Order is offering all new potential recruits. The model of the paramilitary organization was always such that lower level citizens would be the ones that benefit the most. This remains true today. The difference is that now even high level citizens can see greater returns immediately for participating in the best career of the New World.

Still not convinced? Do you own a house? If not, the Crimson Order helps all their members find adequate housing. We may even be able to assist you in upgrading what you currently live in.

Need more? If you are not a member of Congress, party president or other official that can't leave Canada because of their role in our community, the Crimson Order will supply you with additional guns and moving tickets to conflicts all around the world where our help is needed (and even a few where it is not).

Advice? We have many extremely accomplished members in all walks of New World life: military, business, politics, social. Support? Like a big family we can be sometimes be a little dysfunctional but we will close ranks around our members and help them in times of need.

Best of all, we do not discriminate. You can start out at any level, with a lot of experience or none at all and be member of whatever political group you so choose.

The Crimson Order, the most interesting career in the New World!