Romanian - Ukranian [njab version]

Day 1,839, 12:25 Published in Croatia Republic of Moldova by Luceafar Voievod

Hello my dear njabs(!!) I write this (small - hopefully) article to let everyone know the truth about the non-signing of MPP between Romania and Ukrain.

This thing is going on for some months now (like 5 or 6 - not sure exactly) it all started when Ukraine bullied our sister country Rep. Moldova and with the help of some members from EDEN.HQ “shipped” her into COT, how will cro feel if an ally country .. wanted to send BiH into ONE just to get its bonuses?! Yeah that’s how we felt, but we let it pass.

The next steps that broke the relations from the two countries is when the mofa from that period (and who happens to be this month’s mofa) was perm banned for making multis and named all romanians "gypsies" and that they were "given birth by cows" .. ofc if mofa addressed this kind of insults to romanian ppl you would have expected the Ukrcp to take actions(btw: he’s now prime-minister of the UKR gov)!! Well he did just that, he wrote a nice article, a fair article, a honest one in witch he also made romanians gypsies to be in line with his mofa.

This issue started in may-june !!

As I wrote in my previous article some EDEN.HQ members all they do is to bad talk people that don't agree with them(the truly hurtful thing is that they point country against country .. but we don’t know that - according to them).

Now that I got the facts straight let’s have some fun .. who guesses the person I am talking about gets 1cc from me!!

As a cule we found this picture of it: