Ro/ENG Mofa : Looking for ambassadors

Day 1,631, 08:50 Published in Romania Romania by anna tolasi

English version:
Hello everyone, the minister of foreign affairs would like to set up again an ambassador program.
But this time we want to try something different because we think that assigning an ambassador for each country is worthless and the ambassador generally got bored.
So we decided to choose eight zones of interest and assign an ambassador to each of them.
You will notice there is countries missing in the below list because we think that some countries don’t need a permanent ambassador, should a situation happen in one of those a mofa or ambassador could still be assigned temporary to study it.
We think this may relaunch the interest to ambassadorship and if the experience proves useful we may propose to make it permanent and adjust it over the time.

Role of the future ambassadors:
-Be aware of the situation of their country and follow information to be able to warn their mofa if anything happens and also advise them if they request it.
-Be present on their assigned countries channels on irc as most as possible and make links with them.

The application will be opened three days after what you ll meet a member of the Mofa team for an interview.
If you want to apply fill this form :

spain, mexico, argentina, columbia, venezuela, chile, portugal, brazil
sk, japan, china, roc, india
Usa canada, Uk, australia, new zealand
serbia slovenia slovakia,bih montenegro, croatia, albania
greece , turkey fyrom, cyprus hungary
belarus bulgary poland ukraine russia
latvia, lithuania, estonia finland norway sweden
france germany italy switzerland belgium netherlands austria

Anna and the mofa team.

Romanian version:
Buna ziua tuturor, ministerul afacerilor externe doreste sa porneasca din nou programul de ambasadori.
De aceasta data, dorim sa incercam ceva diferit, deoarece avem impresia ca un ambasador la fiecare tara este o risipa de resurse, iar in general ambasadorul se plictiseste rapid.
Astfel, am decis sa selectam 8 zone de interes si sa trimitem cate un ambasador in fiecare.
O sa observati ca nu toate tarile sunt trecute in lista de mai jos, dar ne gandim ca unele tari nu au nevoie de un ambasador permanant, iar in caz de se va arata o situatie, vom desemna temporar un ministru sau un ambasador care va studia situatia.
Credem ca astfel vom relansa interesul pentru “ambasade” si daca totul va merge cum trebuie, vom propune sa pastram programul permanent, doar cu mici schimbari de-a lungul timpului.

Rolul viitorilor ambasadori:
- Trebuie sa fie constienti de situatia din zona lor si pe urma sa poata anunta ministrul daca se intampla ceva iar deasemene sa poata consulta Ministrul in legatura cu orice este intrebat
- Sa fie prezent pe canalele Rizon ale tarilor din zona lor si pe cat mai mult posibil sa faca anumite legaturi cu ele

Vom primi aplicatiile voastre timp de 3 zile, apoi un ministru va va contacta pentru un interviu. Daca doriti sa aplicat, completati acest formular:

Spania, Mexic, Argentina, Columbia, Venezuela, Chile, Portugalia, Brazilia
Koreea de Sud, Japonia, China, Taiwan, India
SUA, Canada, Marea Britanie, Australia, Noua Zeelanda
Serbia, Slovenia, Slovacia, Bosnia, Muntenegru, Croatia, Albania
Grecia, Turcia, Macedonia, Cipru, Ungaria
Belarus, Bulgaria, Polonia, Ucraina, Rusia
Latvia, Lituania, Estonia, Finlanda, Norvegia, Suedia
Franta, Germania, Italia, Elvetia, Belgia, Olanda, Austria

Anna si echipa mofa.