Ro/eng Eden is like chocolate

Day 1,755, 09:45 Published in Romania Romania by anna tolasi

Vreau sa explic in cateva cuvinte de ce, dupa ce am plecat din Franta acum un an, dupa ce am fost vmod pentru italieni, vmofa in Portugalia, de 3 ori in echipa mofa in Romania si luptand pentru EDEN si Romania pentru mai bine de un an, am decis sa accept din nou rolul de mofa, de aceasta data in tara natala (voi mai lupta totusi la ordinele armatei RO).

Primul motiv: candidata principala din aceasta luna este probabil singura cu care as accepta sa lucrez din nou. A mai fost presedinte si inainte, ba chiar unul din cei mai buni presedinti pe care i-a avut Franta.

Al doilea motiv: odata cu moartea Terra, Franta are nevoie de o directie noua iar opinia mea este ca Asiah este cea mai buna persoana care sa ne conduca in directia potrivita. Decizia va apartine, bineinteles, tuturor cetatenilor francezi dar eu personal cred ca cea mai buna cale este intrarea in EDEN si deci, continuand sa lupt alaturi de Romania, tara mea de suflet cu care am reinnoit legaturile acum mai bine de un an, pe cand eram doar ambasador al Frantei. Voi face tot ce imi sta in putinta sa conving oamenii ca asta e cea mai buna varianta pentru Franta.

Hail France !
Hail Eden !
Hail Romania !

Anna, iubitor de ciocolata

Eden in ochii Annei

English version :

Just a few words to explain why after having left France last year and then italian vmod once , portugal vmofa once ( under Lucifell ) and thrice in the mofa team of Romania and fighting under the banner of Romania and Eden for more than one year now , i decided to accept the role of mofa again in my native country ( tho im still fighting in roarmy)

First reason is that the main candidate of this month is probably one of the only candidate in france i would really accept to work with again. She has been president before and one of the best eFrance ever knew.

The second is that with the death of Terra , France need a new direction and my opinion is that Asiah is the best person to lead us in the good direction. The choice of course belongs to all French citizens but i myself think joining Eden and thererefore fighting alongside my country of heart , Romania is the way we have to take since we first renewed contacts more than one year ago when i was only a new ambassador from France, and i will do my best to convince people this is the way France has to choose.

Hail France !
Hail Eden !
Hail Romania !

Anna chocolate lover

Eden seen by Anna