Ressuracting the economy ideas - Ekonomiyi canlandirmak icin fikirler.

Day 2,541, 01:19 Published in South Africa Israel by TheEnlightenedNaor

It is obvious that the weapons other than the highest quality Q7 is useless even they cost less per hit. They (lower quality weapons) increase your damage much less compared to price difference (value of money is much less in return). More over people are aiming to use less weapons these days compared to increased production of weapons (supply and demand are not balanced).

My suggestion is letting use of different quality of weapons at the same time one from each to add up and increase your damage say 200 % for q7 + 100% for q5 and 20 % for q1 weapon in total of 320% damage increase. If the shooter has all quality of weapons in the stock and clicks on them in the menu of weapons selection to use them at the same the total increase will add up to 200+120+100+80+60+40+20 = 620% damage increase which will cause a lot of increase in low quality weapon sales those are seem to be dead atm.

A little different approach can be applied to food where somehow combined food can become a 10 or 20 hp energy bar or
such combined food usage can decrease the time required to generate energy or increase the amount of regeneration. These will increase the usage of food per person and end up with a live economy.

Please do not hesitate to comment or add your ideas as comment.

Q7 disindaki silahlar ucuz olmalarina ragmen cok dusuk damage artirimi verdikleri icin tercih edilmiyorlar ustelik silahlarda genel olarak arz talep dengesi yuksek uretim (arz) dolayisiyla bozulmus durumda.

Onerim silahlarin her vurusta her bir kaliteden 1 adet olmak uzere ayni anda kullanilabilmesi yonunde ornegin : silah secim menusunden q1 (20😵 q5 (100😵 ve q7 (200😵 yi ayni anda secim bunlarin verdigi damage artirimlarindan ayni anda yararalanabilmek ve toplamda bu ornek icin 320% damage artirimi almak. Savascinin deposunda butun silahlardan varsa ve menuden butun silahlarin ayni anda kullanilmasini secerse maksimum %620 damage artisi alabilecek. Bu sayede olu olan dusuk kalite silah sanayi canlanacaktir.

Yemek icin ise biraz daha farkli bir yaklasim gerekiyor. butun yemeklerin birlestirilmesinden 10 yada 20 hp lik bir energy bar yaratilabilir yada can geri dolum suresi kisaltilababilir olmadi can geri dolum miktari artirilabilir vs. vs.

Bu iki degisiklik yapilirsa ekonomi koklu olarak degisecek ve canlanacaktir.

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