Red Guard Orders [Day: 1,832-1,833] (UPDATED)

Day 1,832, 05:17 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

Fight for eAustralia in South Australia

Fight for eArgentina in Canterbury

In a in forum vote, Callumh123 was chosen as the inaugural Commander of the Red Guard by Chairman Chris Carnage. Scottty has been appointed Vice Commander and Arthur Cole has been appointed as Head Supply Officer.

The Red Guard have been the top contributor in damage in eAus’ recent wars. So congrats!

Whoever guesses who said the below quote will win 10 q7 weapons if they are the fastest person to comment!

“The goal of socialism is communism.”

Hold your fights if the bar is higher than 55%

Fight with q7 weapons whenever possible

If you are ever low on supplies, please Fill out this form

If you want a Red Guard Uniform, please message Arthur Cole

We are still working out a supply structure so hold tight!

Join us on IRC at #redguard
Join the Red Guard MU


Red Guard Commander