Rebuttals and propaganda for an everlasting elite.

Day 1,824, 16:15 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

eUK has recently experienced the highest peak in elite nervousness
since its inception.

There's so much political tension in the air, you could properly
supply a couple of light bulbs out of electrostatic tension.

Given the merciful and gentle nature of mine, I'm prone to relieve the
unsufferable burden of such elite sufferings.

"How?" woud you ask? Providing them with a systematic approach to
their every day bullying and nonsense babbling.

With this small, but useful guide, the average elite troll will be
able to perform his daily work much easier.

We'll start setting the axioms for a propaganda and rebuttal system,
the fundamentals.

First, a simple enumeration, then an explanation of every point,
rebuttals fundamentals:

1- The opposition,"the others", is bad.

2- They don't know, about the game, about the history, about game
mechanics,... They don't have experience.

3- They don't do anything but moaning, vacuum criticism,...

4- We, the elite, must hit and hide.

5- Break their nerves

6- Keep calm but insult.


1- The opposition is bad.

Yes, they are essentially bad, and BECAUSE OF THAT, they are deprived
of ANY right or mercy. They can be insulted, derided, mocked,
banned,... When did some guys become bad ? and Why? It doesn't MATTER, a year or a decade, much less the reasons of it. They're essentially bad and that cannot, should not, be discussed at all.

2- They don't know, about the game, about the history, about game
mechanics,... They don't have experience.

Most of them are incorrigible unexperienced and dumb people. They
deserve an utter scorn, since they didn't choose to join the SLOTS and
works the elite had ready for them. It's important to notice, how such
ignorant people don't know anything about eSerbia or eFYROM history of
march 2009, thus, they're blantantly incapable of getting any serious
position, ever, since the key point of eRepublik is foreign affairs.

3- They don't do anything but moaning, vacuum criticism,...

Any suggestion, idea, criticism coming from opposition must be trolled
till death. They must be repeated over and over again that all of their
ramblings is pure moaning, whining and childish behaviour, NO MATTER
what they say OR DO. Any proposal or suggestion, or new party or new
MU, everything must be silently ignored.

4- We, the elite, must hit and hide.

We, as elite, have the sacred right to insult, blame, libel anybody
anytime everywhere, specially in offsite forums or IRC, and then we
just hide to our estates and laugh at them and their inability to harm
us at all.

It's important to show this power often, and to troll whenever and
whoever seems not servile enough.

Another important tool is "faithful newcomers", whether it's the
typical old player that creates an account for a couple of harsh
comments and three disgusting articles, whether it's the brand new
player contacted with "sensible information" that should be known, in
both cases, it's nice to create such new attackers to opposition, to
give a false impression that opposition is just attacking the entire
eUK, not the rotten elite, and that opposition deserves all hate from
all people.

5- Break their nerves

It's important to make opposition look like radicals, and the best and
straight way is to break their nerves and force an scalation in
accusations and insults, how ? Direct and raw personal
attacks, build false stories about them, use flawed or no reasonings
at all, ignore their questions,... Anything that can be used to
disrupt a normal dialog or discussion suits here.

6- Keep calm but insult.

Remember always that we , the elite, have the right to insult, by
the grace of God, and thus we should insult in a calmed way with our
accostumed superiority. Remember too, that insult is not only our privilege
but our duty, it's us who are in the top of the eSociety and we cannot
alter but defend that status quo, if they're insulted it's because
they must learn they're at the bottom.

With these 6 principles, I expect you'll have a nice elite propaganda
and an on-going mastery on eUK.