Rebel With a Cause: The Story of RGR

Day 4,166, 21:57 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan
It's a great scene, isn't it? It gets me every time! Anyway....

A big anniversary of my time in the eWorld is coming up soon, and so I just felt like writing this article a little bit ahead of the curve. I have been called by more than one individual, "the most stubborn person I have ever met." I take it as a compliment. No matter what facet of life it may be in, I have always held steadfast by my principles, and I refuse to back down from them. I may be a Yankee by birth(but let's go Mets?), but I am a Confederate at heart in my belief in liberty and in a noble and righteous rebellion against corrupt authority. I have always found myself sympathizing with these sorts of causes. I am a champion of the underdog. No matter the odds, I tend to gravitate towards those, except when I was a Chicago Bulls fan in the mid to late 90's, but can you blame me?

I suppose I relate a lot to some of the political correctness gone mad that we have seen in today's world. It is no secret that the victors write the history books, and we saw that during the eUSA Civil War(of which I have written extensively about in the past), but I think no matter the outcome, all we can do as honorable men is our duty, and to fight for what we believe in. If there is one thing I have learned is never to let other people influence how you think, or to give in to the mindless sheeple mentality perpetuated by those who want to rewrite our history with their lies and propaganda.

For most of my life I have been a rebel with a cause. In the face of the decline of American society and western civilization at large, I refuse to be silent and back down. It has caused me more than a few problems over the years, but I am simply too stubborn to surrender my beliefs and my principles. We all must do this if there is to be any hope for future civilization to be anything we should rightfully be proud of.

Most of the negative things people have ever written or said about me have been so categorically false and malicious, but yet these are the tactics that bullies and bull....something else I can't write on here use to try to get others to hop on their gossip train, whether it be true or false. I pit myself against the "system", the "establishment", or whatever you want to call it, because I view it as corrupt. This applies to the eWorld and elsewhere. A cause is never truly lost unless we give up on it. My message to you is simple. Never give up!

It has truly been a privilege to get to know so many of you(both gone and still here). It gives one a glimmer of hope that perhaps there are enough decent people left in the world to change things before it is too late. I hope we will go on to accomplish great things, perhaps even working together! ePolitics and RL politics are corrupt. Most of the people in power are bad, selfish, incompetent human beings who should be removed from their positions and replaced by something far better. I am not telling you Reaganite loyalists anything you do not already know. All I know is we must make more of an effort to do this. Upend the system however you can. If we give up, they win.

I do not give in to political correctness, and I won't dishonor the memory of greater generations past. Men once knew to stand for things that matter. Where has that gone? Be a rebel with a cause, and do not let this corrupt eWorld and real world keep you down. We must find a way to rise above it....