Quality Food, Fair Prices, Competitive Wages... THAT is L A Foods!

Day 1,057, 15:17 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by World-Tribe Unlimited

At L&A Food and L&A Grain, we’re doing everything we can during this currency crisis to deliver affordable food to New Zealanders, while maintaining a full staff of workers. While I do think it’s important for businesses to be creative and stay afloat in tough economic times like this, it’s also important to think of the community as well, and unemployed / underpaid citizens cannot buy product.

As such, L&A Food is doing everything it can to bring you the most value for your hard-earned buck. Until this crisis is alleviated, this is our pledge:

TO THE CONSUMER: We will put on the market quality food at the best price possible, making your NZD go farther and keeping your wellness up.

TO THE EMPLOYEE: We will do everything we can to keep you on board, but we ask you to work with us. No one is currently making more than 2 NZD a day (including myself and my lovely e-wife, Leiwahara, and no one will be hired for more than 2 NZD a day. Cuts in wages will be immediately followed by messages from me, explaining our financial realities. The only reason you will be fired is because you no longer show up for work; you will not be fired if you show up every day and are willing to work with management to keep the company viable.

We’re going to get through this, people.

Having said that, how can I make the declaration that I can put decent food on the market at the best price? Let’s do the math.

Food is all about wellness, plain and simple. It’s all about how much you have to spend per wellness point. If Q1 food gives you two wellness points per use, and that food costs, say, 0.05 NZD, then that food can give you the wellness you need for the price of 0.025 NZD per wellness point. Mathwise:

food price / wellness per use = wellness price

Currently, L&A Food is selling Q3 food at 0.16 NZD. Taking a cursory glance at the food markets, it’s about five places down on the list. Honestly, when I shop for food, I look for the cheapest stuff out there, I don’t look at the brand, and only when I’m aware do I read the label and see if it was made in New Zealand. As such, you have several brands, selling Q1 food, starting at 0.07 NZD.

However, it must be made clear that for every usage of Q1 food, you get two wellness points. Using Q3 food, you get six points. Hence, when we do the math, L&A Food is currently the better buy, because you’re paying less for every wellness point.

A look at the first page of the food markets should convince you that L&A Food is the best buy in the New Zealand markets, wellness point for wellness point.

Caramel NZ Dairy: 0.07 NZD / 2 wellness per use = 0.035 NZD per wellness point
KIWI Foo😛 0.09 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.045 NZD per wellness point
Kiwi Cookies: 0.09 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.045 NZD per wellness point
Miscellaneous Foo😛 0.09 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.045 NZD per wellness point

L&A Foo😛 0.16 NZD/ 6 wellness per use = 0.027 NZD per wellness point
Burguer Kinki: 0.20 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.100 NZD per wellness point
Keewee Breads: 0.22 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.110 NZD per wellness point
2kiwi2: 0.22 NZD/ 2 wellness per use = 0.110 NZD per wellness point
Reisling: 0.40 NZD/ 8 wellness per use = 0.50 NZD per wellness point
Europa Foo😛 0.52 NZD/ 6 wellness per use = 0.087 NZD per wellness point

L&A Foods, based on price per wellness point, is the best buy in the New Zealand food markets.

Another way to look at it is, Caramel NZ Dairy has the cheapest food on the market, regardless of quality. You would have to consume three of their foods to equal the wellness of one L&A Food, and the math follows:

Caramel NZ Dairy: 0.07 NZD x 3 = 0.21 NZD for 6 wellness
L&A Foo😛 0.16 x 1 = 0.16 NZD for 6 wellness

At a time when every NZD is precious, when jobs are tough to come by and not paying much, when business and consumers alike are tightening their belts, every cent you can spare on wellness adds up.

I hope you will take this into consideration the next time you shop for food.

Shop New Zealand!
Shop at a company trying to keep New Zealanders employed!
Shop for the best value!
Shop L&A Food!

And if we run out, that’s okay, we’ll make more!

Thank you.

Arjay Phoenician.