PRIORIDAD MAXIMA: ARG VS FYROM --- Dear allies and friends: dark days are coming

Day 2,141, 19:50 Published in Argentina Israel by Lorcema

Supporting articles:

From Turkey 😃

Recently eArgentina received a new NE
Recientemente eArgentina recibió este NE

But we think we would STOP this attack, and if we do it, then we will cross the Pacific Ocean 😃.
Pero creemos que podemos detener este ataque, y si lo hacemos, entonces cruzaremos el Pacífico 😃

So, beloved allies and friends, who helped us many times and we are proud of it, we need you one more time. This time, it will be EPIC!
Por lo tanto, amados aliados y amigos, quienes nos han ayudado tantas veces y orgullosos estamos de ello, los necesitamos una vez mas. Esta vez será EPICA.

Dark days are coming, but I'm sure that with your help, we will defeat them, together!
Vienen días oscuros, pero estoy seguro que con vuestra ayuda, entre todos, los derrotaremos!

I created a MU for this purpose. If you want to join me, please, go ahead!
Cree una MU para esta operación. Si querés unirte, adelante!

To reshout

Dear allies and friends, dark days are coming
