Predlog za admine. | Proposal for admins.

Day 1,767, 03:41 Published in Serbia Serbia by DvaJedan

Pozdrav svima,

U proteklih mesec dana potrošio sam 6-7 Energy Barova greškom, s' tim što sam danas takođe greškom 2. Viđao sam shoute gde su igrači iste greške pravili.

Samim tim došao sam na ideju da predložimo adminima da uvedu malu promenu a to je da pri korišćenju Energy Barova ''pita'' da li želimo da koristimo Energy bar ili ne.

Nešto slično kao i ovo:

Znam da nije teško refreshovati stranicu, ali ne bi bilo loše kad bi ova promena bila ubačena.

Vote, Subscribe i Shout! 🙂

By: Nightcrawler1989

Hello everyone!

In the past month, I wasted 6-7 Energy Bars by mistake, with that that I wasted 2 today, by mistake too. I have seen shout where other players made the same mistake.

Therefore I got an idea to propose admins to make small change, that change is when we use Energy Bars it ''asks'' as do we want to use it or not.

Something like this:

I know that it's not hard to refresh page. But it would be good if this change is inserted. 🙂

Vote, Subscribe and Shout!

By: Nightcrawler1989