PORN STARS WANTED: Experience not necessary

Day 1,887, 20:00 Published in USA USA by Candor

Every member gets FREE money. Let your member pay YOU!

Other parties give you food and tanks. Well, those are fine. But aren't you capable of choosing how to spend your PORN STAR earnings? We think so.

Porn Stars, after years of being held down by the man, are standing up and demanding to be heard and seen. We demand things. All things. And we want them NOW.

A lonely NoS Party member stands for freedom!

We want more than the little cup of syrup with our pancakes. We demand an entire small personal sized syrup pitcher thingy!

The government wants to poke us all!

We want more than just 16.5" of leg room on airplanes. We demand a full 33% increase, to 22". Or more! We also would like topless flight attendants, and TWO bags of peanuts.

The Catholics stand with us! (or we took these nuns hostage, reports are hazy)

We demand women without habits! We demand the free flow of hair. Smokers are ok too. And raging drunks. But please, no raging while smoking.

The NoS ride for freedom!

We demand seats at the front of the bus. And, for nice days, on top of the bus. And full bathrooms. And free shampoo, but not that small travel size. no Sir. We paid full price for this room, we want full servings of soaps and shampoos.

We demand the vote and free elections!

We want to vote! We don't care the question, we have answers! And we demand that you ask us! We also want to vote anywhere we please. We demand on line voting. And we demand the right to vote with any number of pencil we choose. We know that number two pencils are pencils made out of poop, and we're tired of chewing on poop. Also bigger erasers on our pencils. A minimum of 1" of eraser on every pencil. We demand it.

Who knew we were bombing North Vietnam again?

We demand an immediate end to the war in Vietnam and a return of our MIA's and ABC's.

Do you play eRepublik for fun? Join us in world domination and dominos: