Pony Express Day 1499 - Rode Hard and Put Away Wet!

Day 1,499, 15:45 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Dateline : Wednesday, December 28, 2011 (Day 1499)
Location: St. Joseph, Missouri

This newspaper will feature the best news articles being published in eAmerica from both old and new writers.

If you want your article considered for inclusion in the Pony Express Daily, PM your link to this org.

Voice of America: Eugene Harlot is My Hero
A stirring tribute to a legend. "Harlot attacks without initiative!"
Paper Mache: Operation Swift Fury: Friendship, Trust, and Sacrifice
Recalling the unusual Presidential election of August 2010

The Daily Interviewer: The American Dream
Welcome this new American citizen-- he's so excited to be here!
Webby's World: Comics Don't Get Better
Yes, they do. They get much, much better. But it's a fun recruitment piece.

The Speaker's Word: 49th Congress, Vol. 1 - Congratulations and Welcome!
A complete list of your new US Congressmen
The White House Press Report: WHPR Day 1499 - Secretary of State's Report on Europe
U.S. Secretary of State Alexander_Auctoritas' interview in pictures.

Two Hot Tips for Publishers:
:1: Use an old edition of your paper as a "pre-publication edit" spot. You'll see exactly how your paper will look, check your photos and links, and maybe get a friend to proofread and critique your work before you publish for real. Have eRep open in another browser tab, too, and be sure to refresh that page before editing your work!
:2: Utilize an online image stash, like Photobucket or ImageShack, instead of hotlinking. A hotlinked photo might disappear or be blocked by the host site. You can resize and crop your photo, or even customize it to fit your article better.

Recommended Reading:

Join a Military or Militia:

George Armstrong Custer
White House Press Corps Writer

Rode Hard and Put Away Wet!
Pony Express - Day 1499