Podela hleba!!! - ZAVRŠENO! Free food!!! - ENDED!

Day 2,685, 06:26 Published in Serbia Serbia by Revolucionarbgd

Pošto imam misiju u kojoj moram da napišem 3 članka, u kojima moram da imam komentare od 25 različitih ljudi, reših da je završim organizovanjem podele hleba.

Deliću po 40 Q3 hrane svakome ko ostavi komentar. Zamolio bih Vas samo da shout-ujete link do ovog članka, da mogu i drugi da vide.

I još samo ovo: Pošto mi trebaju 3 članka, posle svakog 25-tog komentara ću napisati sledeći članak, gde ću nastaviti podelu. Zamolio bih Vas da to ne promašite i da posle toga više ne ostavljate komentare u ovom članku, jer treba i ja da završim misiju, pored podele hrane. 🙂
Naravno, kada završim misiju, svako ko ostavi komentar u članku koji je već imao 25 komentara, dobiće hleb. Ne brinite se, potrudiću se da nikoga ne propustim.

Eto, toliko i hvala Vam puno.

EDIT: Podela se nastavlja ovde: Podela hleba!!! DEO 2 Free food!!! PART 2

Since I have a mission in which I must write 3 articles, in which I need to get 25 comments from different persons, I decided to finish them by organizing give away of bread.

I'll be giving 40 Q3 food to everyone who leaves a comment. I ask you to just shout this article, so that everyone else can see it.

And just this: Because I need 3 articles, after every 25th comment I'll write the next article, where I'll continue the giveaway. I ask you not to miss that, and that after that you do not leave comments in this articles, because I need to finish this mission, beside giving away bread. 🙂
Of course, when I finish the mission, everyone who leaves the comment in an article which already had 25 comments, will receive bread. Don't worry, I'll give my best not to miss anyone.

That's all, thank you very much.

EDIT: Giveaway continues here: Podela hleba!!! DEO 2 Free food!!! PART 2