PnPP President Elections

Day 1,575, 18:50 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Valentyme

Kia Ora Kiwis

In little over 36 hours elections will begin to select the next Peace and Prosperity Party President. Today I am officially announcing that I am throwing my hat into the ring to compete to be your Party President. I believe that I am the right person for the job. I have lots of experience in other areas of the eNZ government that proves that I can do this job. I have been the eNZ MoD for three months now, I have helped previous PnPP PP with many tasks that need doing throughout their terms, I helped to co-found the KMG, and finally along with a few other PnPP members I ran the PnPP Appreciation Program.

If I am elected I have a few goals in mind for the upcoming month. For the past few months the PnPP numbers have grown, however the core members of our group have not which is quite troubling. It is my goal to reach out to members and create a much strong bond of inner party unity. Also I would like to see the number of congressmen that the PnPP currently holds in congress remain at the same percentage, or at least at 30% or higher. We have the numbers to get this many congressmen, we just need to be more organized, and it is my intent to do so. The most important thing I want to do is to make sure that this party remains true to its goals and continues to strive for what is best for eNew Zealand. Remember Day 1577, Vote for Valentyme!!!
