Plato, next step is...

Day 1,668, 15:51 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Superior MKD
Admins, you must to do this official and legal to correct our name...
We are recognized under constitutional name Republic of Macedonia...

Plato must do something about this question !?!
That "stupid" reference(fyrom) is not our name...
Using the scripts is possible to erase (fyrom), but I do not want to use script for "de-fyrom-izer" the name.
Want to be legitimate and corrected name, only "Republic of Macedonia"
It already bored to comment on this issue. must be solved...

My suggestion is:

first step:
- Any player who is a eCitizen of eMacedonia, On his account to write only the name "Republic of Macedonia" ...and delete the reference(fyrom)

next step:
- To organize a eReferendum on (forever deleting the reference"fyrom")