Parliament News - Edition nr. 02

Day 3,203, 12:04 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

The Big Parliament is history and here is the highlights from this session. There has not been so much voting as the congress before this, perhaps because it`s still holiday and the activity is low. Here are some of the happenings in congress last month:


eNorwegian development fund (proposed by integer syntax)

According to the eNDF-law each congress shall discuss the meaning of “development” and vote for what purpose the fund will support. This month`s proposal how to spend the fund was proposed by integer syntax (P)

“Any eNorwegian not in government who publishes up to 3 Newspaper Articles in his or her own newspaper that discusses 1 of the following topics:

1) What the author loves about eNorway or
2) What the author thinks could improve eNorway and

includes our CS application link in that same article
will receive 500 NOK from the fund by contacting the MoE with links to the articles published after an affirmative vote on this proposal.

This plan will expire immediately following the election of a new Congress.”

The proposal was approved with 6 votes in favour and none against


Administrative provisions according to the fun😛
As written in edition nr. 01 the act of eNorwegian was adopted as eNorwegian law in july. In this session it has been discussed how this is to be administered. It has not been voted on, but it seem to be a consensus that the Governor/Minister of Finance take care of the economical administration. Aftes this consensus debate, it has been created a separate department in the Ministery of Finance to administrate the fund.

Fund management is now decided placed as a separate department in the finance ministry. Here we see parts of the management team in the Fund's money counter section, keen on doing their best to save costs and to develop the country.....


Size of Parliament debate:

It has been a debate on which size of the next parliament should have. The reasons for this debate is both security, but also how to get a parliament filled with active participants. Last term we have a Parliament with 26 members and only a few of them take part in the discussions. Of safety reasons this debate was taken in a closed session, and will not be referred here.

Monarchy debate (proposed by Joshua Morriseau (NGP):

As told in the edition nr 01, congressman Joshua Morriseau (NGP) launched a proposal to reintroduce the monarchy in eNorway. Most of the discussion was referred in edition 01, and will not be repeated here. In the last congress this issue has been a bit dormant, but Joshua has stated, he is working on a draft on a ”Royal Constitution”

MPP-debate (proposed by Joshua Morriseau (NGP):

Congressman Joshua Morriseaus proposal:

“With our Training Wars over it seems like a good time to sign some MPPs. Not a whole lot like we used to but a couple at least. I was thinking 2-3 with countries that have active wars would be nice, and not enough that Sweden or Finland cannot wipe us during elections.
Also if you look at our taxes Norway is bringing in more money in DTR than we ever have. The last four days we have made over $1,000. As well we have over $92,000 in the treasury. As well it would be a good signal to our allies who we have pretty much left in the dark all this time. We have had numerous MPP proposals during our TW but turned them all down. Its a good way to show our allies that we are back 100% even if we have a couple of lingering Chileans.”

Some punchlines form the debate:

Xibbard (TeK):

“2-3 would be good.
Showing our allies that we are back is a good sign!, It shows we are strong.”

Yanisin (Kvakk):

“…I don't think we should have as many as 3. That is too expensive for us. Our income doesn't really allow for more than one at this point if we are to not dig into our treasury, and I don't think we should take too much of our saved money for MPP's yet. We haven't even reached 100k cc….”

Orctor (P):

“Aren't MPP's pretty expensive? I think we should go for one, two at most.”

M de Ruyter (Tek)

“…Why not keep this money in our pocket and use it on CO's in case we're under attack (Airstrike). The world knows on who's side we are, no need to actually prove that by means of MPP. I'd like it to be otherwise, but think we're still not really ready to do so…..”

The debate is not yet concluded through a vote yet.

Approved CS Applications:

There has been given no CS approvement this month!

Political approvements:

There has been given no political approvements this month!

The new Parliament of August-September 2016:

Here are the results from eNorwegian congress-elections for august 2016. This month it was only 10 seats to fight for, and with approximately 20 candidates from 4 parties this was an election with real competition. L8 is in a dormation at the time and did not participate in this election. The turnout shrink from 43 last time to only 28 this time.

Kvakk: --- 8 votes (-5) --- 28,57 % (-1,66 😵 --- 3 MP`s of 10
NGP --- 8 votes (-5) --- 28,57 % (-1,66 😵 --- 3 MP`s of 10
Partiet --- 7 votes (-1) --- 25,00 % (+4,07 😵 --- 2 MP`s of 10
TeK --- 5 votes (-1) 13,95 % --- (-+3.91 😵 --- 2 MP`s of 10
L8 --- 0 votes (-2) --- 0 % (- 4,65 😵


Here are this term members of Parliament:

Norwegian Green Party:

John Guererrio
Joshua Morriseau


Eobard Thawne
Bjorn Bjornson (New)




Hans Erik


A political commentary:

The overall trend is:
NGP`s and Kvakksangernes, upgoing trend from last election has now come to an end. In fact, all the parties has lost terrain in this election because the very low turnout.

In this election, we maybe can proclaim Orctor, the new leader of Partiet to be this elections sole winner, by being the party with most “gain” in the electorate (up from 20 to 25% - but still a loss in voters). This party is now nearby on same size as NGP and Kvakksangerne. But it can be discussed whether Partiet has been one of the three big parties, or one of three middle sized parties. Tek is also struggling, even with MdR back as new leader after a narrow victory in this party`s last PP election. And L8 has apparently completely given up themselves! It's pity, this party is needed, because it`s the only center-right orientated party in our political spectrum.

It is more likely to say all of the parties are losers this time, because of the loss of activity, loss in turnout and loss in numbers of voters. All the parties has to discuss within themselves, and together, how they can reverse this negative trend.

It`s also a peculiar situation this time, with none of the Party Presidents taking place in the Parliament. The good thing is, we do see several new citizens are beginning to assert themselves. Thats a good thing, it`s not dark all..........!

Please V,S,S,E,C and debate!