Panzer For Party President [CW]

Day 2,184, 20:59 Published in Canada Malaysia by panzer1990panzer

Panzer For Party President

The Merger

Before I speak about what I can bring to Clan Wolf I'd like to talk about the merger. We had a few reasons for merging; namely our long standing relationship with Clan Wolf, common interests, and achieving for the IPC and Clan Wolfs members a greater voice in Canada through more active members and a greater seating in congress.

Rumor Control

#1 The IPC is trying to PTO CW?
Thats impossible given our numbers and our only goal is to integrate within Clan Wolf. I have no intention of a name change in Clan Wolf unless there is a popular vote within the party to do so. Also there will be no favoritism towards newer members as opposed to old. The most active and qualified members will be chosen for congress.

#2 IPC is doing this because they lost their Top 5 spot and want congress seats.
I will not be taking a congress seat nor will there be favoritism. The candidates that are most active and have shown themselves knowledgeable of issues in eCanada will be placed higher on our roster.

A very special thanks to everyone that welcomed IPC to your wolfpack and if you have any other questions please feel free to post your concerns below or PM me and I will answer them.

What will come to pass

If I'm elected I will keep on CW's trend of a very active leadership although it is absolutely going to be tough filling Oinyo's shoes I do intend to try. I intend to do so through prizes, talking to our new and old members about what they want and what is needed, and I know I'll be made fun of for my naivete but a more expanded congressional intern program.


While the challenges are sometime lame and especially this weeks I would like to spice it up. I want to challenge Clan Wolf members to be their best and contribute to our fights and ranking among eCanada. For example weapons for every 100 prestige points or for achieving top 3 in Canada or your Military unit in the leaderboards. I think this will lead to higher activity within our older and younger ranks and will benefit Clan Wolf and eCanada as a whole.

Meetings with the members

I plan to actively engage our members not just in the party feed but also through random PM's to our newbies. For example asking our new members what they need as a new citizen to the eWorld. We often hear from our older members but only once in a while do we get a new member that gets a newspaper and makes their voice heard. I think hearing that voice would benefit all of us.

Congressional Intern Program

Mostly instruction on what the responsibilities of a congress member are outside of the game interface. Lets show them how the legislative branch works on the eCan forums. IE Proper voting procedures and Ways to get a new law or change rolling.

Final Word

Lets make positive changes for Clan Wolf and eCanada. We can do this through cooperation with other parties and with a larger Clan wolf membership we have moved to the coveted second place spot and we have also provided Canada with a viable alternative to the "big two". But now that you've heard from me I want to hear from you, what do you want from your party president?

Proud Clan Wolf Member
Party President Hopeful

Also this pretty much has to be here its too amazing 😃