On the current CP candidate

Day 4,151, 13:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mael Dunbar

Lees hier het artikel over de andere presidentskandidaat!

Regarding the candidacy for Country President of Arcanic Mindje

I think I remember his name from the old days, but since I came back I haven’t seen him in any debates.

So I went to look him up on the old forum, and he has quite the record for being Minister of Foreign Affairs. His wiki shows activity as ambassador in the South-Americas, Poland and Japan. He also has 2 terms as Country President to his name, but that must have been during my 7 years in Tibet.

I dug even deeper and went to look in his newspaper archives, both as MoFA and his personal one.

In his function of MoFA he has always dutifully informed us on the international comings and goings in eRepublik.

From his personal papers I can only take away he likes to drink Guinness in Temple Bar, and Adventure Time.

So, who is our CP candidate? I really can’t say… I tried contacting him with an offer of being MoF and installing a new financials sheet, but got no reply on my PM, even only to say the position was already filled.

Edit: Arcanic Mindje contacted me back via PM a day after publication of this paper and explained.

But Arctic Mindje, if you change your mind, I am still interested. Here is my resumé:

And I am pretty sure ElGorry and him are not on speaking terms either due to pancake issues.

Sincerely yours,

Mael Dunbar