Obaveštenje za javnost [Japan]

Day 1,841, 08:35 Published in Serbia Slovakia by Robert E.Lee 1861

Sa velikim žaljenjem moram da vas obavestim,sve gradjane eSrbije kao i sve ostale ljude iz drugih država koji su mi se javili povodom odlaska u Japan, da se akcija prekida.
Sada se postavlja pitanje kako i zašto.
Probaću da vam hronološki iznesem sve moje razgovore sa Japanskom stranom i prikažem kako sam obmanut i kako sam onda ja obmanuo sve vas.

Sve je počelo s mojim prvim člankom Moja Utopija
nakon toga dobijam poruke ljudi kojima se svidela ideja i ja posle toga pišem drugi članak Japanska Imperija no2 i pokušavam da uspostavim kontakt s Japancima i vidim šta oni imaju da kažu o svemu tome.
Sa po dve poruke identične poruke sam se obratio predsedniku Koppaniju i premijeru Geezusu.
Prepiska je bila obimna tako da nisam ubacivao svaku poruku koga zanimaju detalji pm.

Na moju poruku
I am Robert E.Lee 1861 ex Serbian MoFA and one of the representatives of united Serbo-Bulgarian army (MrCoder from Bg side) that was fighting for Japan and want to come here and help u with rebuilding society.
After i publish a few articles about situation in Japan and how we can help many people liked the idea so now we have a lot of requests for joining Japan in war against all your enemies.
Idea of becaming japanese soldier and build new and stronger Japan was exciting for a lot of people.
So many people from Bulgaria and Serbia want to come here and stay,fight for Japan and for glory.
We do not seek for medals and stuff all that we (me personaly and group of people who want that this idea comes to life) have in Serbia and Bulgaria.
We are friends of Japan and we want to prove that,Japan is weak and without help from outside and bringing more active people Japan dont have a chance to survive.
So i want to ask you as a president of Japan do we can have some help from your side with giving cs to new people who want to come here and became Japanese citizens?
And just one more thing all people that you accept here will be obligated with rules and everyone who breaks it will be excluded from the society.
1.Every citizen who receive japan cs became Japanese not serb not bulgarian.
2.We all fight for Japan and for one society

We want to cooperate,became japanese citizens-soldiers and prosper

If you have something to add please do so
Its hard to say everything through this message but this is basic

This message will be sent to your prime minister too


Oba igrača su mi odgovorila pozitivno
ali sam pregovore nastavio s predsednikom lično koji je na moju poruku odgovorio ovako

Sorry for the late answer, but your offer induced a debate in my government. First of all, you should know that eJapan was always an international community, and it was always afraid of PTOs (I know very well, I was also an "evil PTOer" when I had arrived a few years ago).

From the other side: we need more active player, to develop and also protect the country. As you can see, the population is very low, the economy doesn't work, so yes, we need you (the Bulgarian vMoFA suggested me Mr Coder personally).

I hope, we can find the fair terms of your immigration. I offer the following terms:

We shall approve your citizenship requests, but not everybody together, just slowly and by degrees. The requests of the older and stronger players will be approved fist.

We ask you to do not found an own party (or try to conquer one). Everybody is free to choose a party from the current supply. You will be welcome e.g. in the Dai Nippon Party🙂

We will ask all the new citizens (not just you) to pay a lesser sum as "contribution of defence". We don't sell citizenship, but we have no money to sign the MPP-s to protect ourself.

I'm very interesting what you say.


ja sam pristao na sve zadate uslove i znatno promenio početni plan misleći da su ti ljudi ozbiljni i nakon toga ja šaljem drugu poruku u kojoj ga ubedjujem da popusti i odobri nam više cs jer sa par cs nisam mogao ništa

Ok I agree with your proposal its a fair one.

but can u tell me how much cs u can give to us and understand one thing now we have a chance to made big and respected Japan and to support that i got a 100 requests from serbs only if u give just a few cs people will be dissapointed and i could not convince them to continue to support this idea if u as representatives of Japan dont beleive in us.
Now i see that i must slow this thing down to many people wanna join and we cant fulfill all requests.

btw i dont expect that u give 100 cs right now u cant do that because of game mechanics,but u should try to give as much cs as u can so that others who will stay and wait cs for months have at least a hope to became Japanese citizens-soldiers and when Japan is under attack i can always call them to help.

i on mi odogovara

From the wiki: "citizenships can be granted only 10% of the country's voting population (all citizens with a level above or equal to 14) during one congress term."

It means we can approve ca. 50 citizenship request. Of course impassible ti give all for your boys, but we will see.

'znači da imamo 50 cs nemoguće je dati sve tvojim ljudima ali ćemo videti'

U ovoj rečenici je zapravo pristao da oni pošto dobiju kongres dodele nama dovoljan broj cs tj da ćemo se o tačnoj cifri dogovoriti posle.
Ovo se sve dešava dok Japan nije imao kongres i bio u opasnosti što je vrlo bitna činjenica jer sam im ja i kao i novoformirana grupa ponudili izlaz iz svega toga i maltene siguran kongres što su oni oberučke prihvatili i iskoristili moje poverenje kao i poverenje svih vas koji ste mi se javili i hteli da učestvujete kako materijalno a takodje i učešćem u oslobadjanju i odbrani Japana.

posle toga mi dižemo nov ustanak i grčevito se borimo za oslobadjanje nove japanske regije gde smo se jako istrošili jer smo delili oružije čitav dan i ispucali ogroman dmg.
ponovo mi predsednik šalje poruku
You, boys fight very well. Congrats!
Brazil will attack Taiwan, so be prepared to make a wave of RWs!

nakon par dana tj posle izbora i u daljem razgovoru predsednik Japana nas poziva mene i MrCodera da podnesemo zahteve za cs u Japanu,nakon toga ja izdajem članak Japanska Imperija no3 i obaveštavam vas o sledečem postupku a to je anketa i dolazak u Japan prve grupe.

ALI veliko ali,pošto sam podneo zahtev za cs dobijam sledeću poruku od premijera Japana i predsednika najjače partije tamo

I saw Your cs request. I don't offer this term for everybody so try to keep it secret.
There is our conditions for people who will get japanese cs:
- Be friendly with the old japanese and use english
- Join Dai Nippon Party
- Join Nippon Power (You can get an own regiment)
- Dont leave Japan

I ask 10k deposit from everybody and i give back 1k every month if not breached the promise. So you get back all Your money later!
Can You accept these rules?
Dai Nippon PP

Ovo je bila sušta suprotnost od onoga što je sam predsednik Japana tražio od nas i ja sam ga odmah obavestio da se tako nismo dogovorili i da tako neće ići.
Jer ja kao prvo nisam pravio nikakav tajni dogovor 'I don't offer this term for everybody so try to keep it secret.'
i nisam želeo da samo ja dobijem cs.
Kao drugo u ovoj poruci se traži da ja postanem političko-vojni sluga njegove partije i da položim 10k cc kao garanciju za sve to,koje bih kao dobio kasnije.
Ja sam sve to kategorički odbio jer je to sramotan predlog nakon svega što sam im ponudio i hteo da uradim zajedno sa vama za njih.

nakon toga sledi moja poruka japanskom CP i upozorenje da se okanu toga

Koppanyi this is outrageous

I saw Your cs request. I don't offer this term for everybody so try to keep it secret.
There is our conditions for people who will get japanese cs:
- Be friendly with the old japanese and use english
- Join Dai Nippon Party
- Join Nippon Power (You can get an own regiment)
- Dont leave Japan

I ask 10k deposit from everybody and i give back 1k every month if not breached the promise. So you get back all Your money later!
Can You accept these rules?
Dai Nippon PP
This is just the opposite of what we have agreed.
and one more thing this proposal is not a secret anymore i was on nippon channel yesterday they alredy know everything...he send this message to some guy and he send to them

😇8 Tyrranus 04:40] * that1 (~that1@Rizon-5A532A3B.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #nippon
1😇8 Tyrranus [04:40] Geezus to that 1 | 48 minutes ago
1😇8 Tyrranus [04:40] HI!
1😇8 Tyrranus [04:40] I saw Your cs request. I don't offer this term for everybody so try to keep itsecret.
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] There is our conditions for people who will get japanese cs:
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] - Be friendly with the old japanese and use english
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] - Join Dai Nippon Party
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] - Join Nippon Power (You can get an own regiment)
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] - Dont leave Japan
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] I ask 10k deposit from everybody and i give back 1k every month if notbreached the promise.
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] Can You accept these rules?
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:40] Geezus
1😇9 Tyrranus [04:41] do you guys charge people money for CS?
10:40 Tyrranus crazy shit like that is why I lurk and log

so he is in some trouble or something they were pretty mad
We offer u our help.
We spend our money on tanks and soldiers and now he ask me money for cs?
That cant be accepted and we dont want to political army too we run away from it in srb and bg.

On odgovara meni

Sorry! As you see, the situation is very complicated. I'm just a president, I have no right to approve any request, and some arty presidents have special claims. Furthermore, the national bank is banned, we lost our whole property. I'm thinking to leave this fucking game...

It's also my personal defeat and shame...

Kao što vidite sada se ogradjuje od svega i ništa ne zna tako naprasno i razmišlja o odlasku iz igre....
ALI opet ali u ovom članku se kiti tudjim perijem i ponovo aplicira za CP Japana....http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-president-state-of-the-empire-and-running-again-2168970/1/20

Zahtevao sam da poslednji put pokuša da izgladi stvar u kongresu i sa ostalima ali to prosto nije moguće.
Nikakav odgovor više nisam dobio jer on ne želi da diže prašinu pred nove izbore ali ja želim.
Ja sam pokrenuo celu priču i evo ja je privodim kraju pre nego što je i počela i što je najgore protraćili su moje i vaše vreme unapred i svesno lagajući me.
Ništa ne bih pokretao da nisam imao osnov,da sam dobio prave informacije na vreme zahvalio bih se i otišao.

Tek sada shvatam da njima ne trebaju snažni i aktivni igrači već multiji i poslušna politička armija jer se upravo takvima sada već odobravaju cs.
Već im je banovan i drugi org na kome su držali novac za Mpp koji su primili sa strane tako da su ostali bez ičega.
Ti ljudi koji žive tamo su pljunuli na sve što smo uradili za njih i na sva obećanja koja su dali.

Jedino mogu reći da je komandant Konstantinove Garde zajedno sa njegovom grupom najčasniji čovek tamo.
On me je upozorio na takav scenario ali sam mislio da se japanska vlada i ceo kongres neće usuditi da idu tako daleko očigledno sam se prevario.
Od sada okrećem drugu stranu što se tiče kompletne populacije tamo.

Robert E.Lee 1861