National Shield 2 personal target data collection

Day 2,310, 03:16 Published in USA USA by Vijalob

Please shout for better data collection:

Find our targets.
Plato says,

- Each citizen can fight to reach and even surpass damage targets which are calculated based on their current military skills and presented as percentages

Percentages are not terribly transparent. I'm curious what "current military skills" is based on -- is it level? strength? rank? some combination? Also, I didn't see a place where I could see what my target was until after I started shooting.

It is ridiculously important to note that bazookas, bombs, and rockets don't count towards the target (especially since I'm being offered some sort of Battle Pack that is largely composed of bombs and bazookas....and a handful of EBs).

In the interest of getting inside Plato's mind, after making at least one hit with a Q7, can you please post (in the article!):

Amount of damage:
Percent of damage:
Military Rank Points:
Experience Points:

If you want to tack on your personal target, feel free -- this is the amount of damage that you have done divided by the percent of damage, which you will want to convert to a decimal first (i.e., move the decimal two places to the left before doing the division).

Once we have data (and I get back to my home computer), I'll come back to this article with graphs, analysis, and another picture of Ms. Day.

Ms. Day wants your data.