My POV on the eSerbians

Day 1,913, 17:49 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Koragi

Well, here goes.

It all started a few months ago, eSerbs started being accepted into the country, probably being accepted through DNP congressmen(not going to point fingers anywhere to who first started the mass acceptance without even thinking about it). They (eSerbs) started massing like wildfire into the Sakurakai party not really saying much to the outsiders yet, but once the party president elections came, if you go and look at the party elections you can see that a certain someone was always trying to win over the current leader of the Sakurakai party president, or maybe he was just waiting on more of his ecomrades to arrive from eSerbia, either way he eventually took power in October of 2012 by 2 votes meaning their was a clear split in the party between the original inhabitants and the eSerbs. The party's name stayed the same for awhile but the party itself was never the same again.

The party's name eventually changed to Constantine The Great and the avatar of the party changed to a Serbian flag next to a Japanese flag, clearly showing a eSerbian presence in the party. Some of the eSerbs argue that the original inhabitants of the party wanted the eSerbian to win but I think not and so does the whole community as when he was elected all of the original inhabitants left and dispersed to other parties in eJapan. This party now is the home to the eSerbs here in eJapan and is currently holding the #3 largest party in eJapan and 28% of the congress also. Scary facts for those who did not know.

But why has such a large group of eSerbians taken to eJapan? Well who the hell knows? Seriously, I ask myself this question everyday and I bet a bunch of you guys do to. Maybe they can be here to help, but they are going about it in a really wrong way, when you move to a new country you probably shouldn't PTO a party and bunch up, just my opinion or the community there will hate you.

Now onto immigration, eSerbs have been coming through the gates like no other and every once in a while one will apply on the forums and sometimes will be accepted and sometimes will be given the "No" by some congress members and the MoS and will still get accepted by that one congress member that never appears on the forums to even state why he accepted him but we can only believe that it is a congress member from the Constantine The Great party as they are full of one culture and that is eSerbian and it seems they are inviting their other eSerbian friends to come play in the eJapanese playground which includes trolling and drama. But seriously, shouldn't their be a quota on how many people can come from one country? I guess not.

Some of the eSerbs say they are here to help and go on about the "Empire of Japan", what do you know about the "Empire" eSerbs? If your really here to help know this, a true none delusional eJapanese player would not care at all about freeing our regions and on how much damage you can do, you first wanted us to respect your damage that you dealt in the RWs against eRoC. Damage isn't everything in this game, your in a completely different part of the world at this point and should accept that we have different customs and ways of accepting people, and I can say it now that just doing damage for our country will not get you respected by the masses. Actions, real reasons for being here and showing off your eJapanese pride and not your eSerbian pride will get you the much needed respect you all talk about.

The Japanese Flag is the Greatest of all things in this universe use it with Pride, Honor and Glory.