My Congressional Bid for Colorado

Day 581, 15:15 Published in USA Australia by baus88

I will run my campaign with honesty, integrity, and experience.

I will not make campaign promises that I can't fulfil. All I can do is vote in the best interest of the people of our country. I will listen to every side and make the best decision possible.

As far as the issues that I stand for I will leave that up to the general population to decide. I would like anyone to comment or pm me with things they would like to see changed in the government. Feel free to tell me the things you like about the way things are going now. This way I will know what things could use reform and what things are just fine the way they are.

If elected to congress I will represent Colorado's citizen to the best of my ability. My goal is to make sure I fairly represent all the citizens of Colorado.

Personally I have been in eRepublik for nine months. I have been part of the USWP for just as long. I have also been in the Army. I have helped and seen all these groups become stronger and more organized. I would like to see the Military become more organized as well as the country as a whole.

Once again comment or pm me with the issues you would like to see addressed and I will do my best to address them as a member of congress.