My 2 new friends became eIrish citizen..please help them..

Day 1,805, 22:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Uljanov

After a long time, I have "forced" my 2 friends to join me in eRepublik and I even solved one mission "Help your friend to reach lieutenant rank" or something like that.

Both are from Croatia, but they intend to "live" in Ireland and then who knows, free will. 🙂

So far I have given them my avatar so you know that they are "alive" until they get avatar military units that they want to join.

If you feel they would need help send them some, if not at least Vote and / or Sub for others to see and help them if they can.

Thank you all for what you have done positively.

Evo nakon duže vremena "natjerao" sam 2 prijatelja da mi se pridruže u eRepubliku a čak sam preko jednoga rješio misiju "Help your friend to reach liutanant rank" ili nešto tako.

Obojica su iz Hrvatske ali imaju namjeru "živjeti" u Irskoj a kasnije tko zna, slobodna volja. 🙂

Zasada sam im dao svoj avatar čisto da se vidi da su "živi" sve dok ne dobiju avatar vojne jedinice kojoj se žele pridružiti.

Ako smatrate da bi im trebala pomoć pošaljite im, ako ne barem Vote i/ili Sub da drugi vide i pomognu ako mogu.

Hvala vam svima što god pozitivno učinili.

Thank you all!