Mr. CP, what the heaven is that?!? [Republished]+Important update

Day 1,674, 06:58 Published in Romania Portugal by Despion
Române, dă click pe imagine, și ia aminte.

Să ne amintim cu mândrie despre asta, cu toții deopotrivă.
Respect Nemesis!

Hey folks, here's my first article, republished after deletion and FP, now in a censored form. Sorry for that :/

Hello people!

Well, I was thinking for quite a long time about creating a newspaper. But still hadn't found the "key" to my debut in media. Fortunately, I've just found it. I have something to tell to the e-world, so please welcome my first article!

As you all know, there's an ongoing conflict between Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. RoM has been standing at EDEN's door for almost 3 years, always supporting EDEN, and especially Romania, and delivering billions of damage. Ukraine is a full member of EDEN.
If you are not well informed about this conflict, please take a look at the following article, it's very informative.
Without having an idea about the conflict, you won't understand the essence of my article

So, in fact, we all know that Ukraine are the "good" guys, and RoM are the "bad" ones. They just want to close the war. Official statements say this.
Just 1h ago, a RW ended. RoM tried to take back one region from Ukraine. They wanted to give it back to us, in order to hurry up the end of the war. But, accidentally, they were supplying for fighting against RoM.
And more accidentally, something else happened. See the picture below.

Click here for full size.


And here is some non-official article, which in translation means "How we punished Moldova".

In conclusion: just an honest country, leaded by an honest CP, accidentally sacrificing bazookas and funds to keep RoM under their occupation.

I hope you enjoyed my first article. Votes and shouts are welcome, as I really want this message to reach as many people as possible.

Just wanted to mention that Ukrainian CP was fighting at all costs, including bazookas, in the last round, so that his and other ukrainians efforts will ultimately defeat us and keep our region under occupation.