MoMe: Social Evolution and Industrial Revolution

Day 2,662, 09:50 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of choas. It is an area which we call the Mind of Madness.


Years ago I stated that specifically in the United States, Marijuana would one day be legalized. I also have continued to argue that stem cell research will take us to new heights, abortion will legalized and population control implemented.

Year by year, I watch as my (to some) bold predictions become ever closer to reality. It's clear where the future of our planet will take us when you study the patterns of history. Let's take population control for example. Centuries ago we discovered the world was neither flat nor infinite. We are limited in resources and land. Therefore until we have the technology to not only venture to other planets, but to colonize them, we must plan and act accordingly.

So if we know we are limited in space, and our population is massively growing each year, by following these patterns it’s safe to say that the US and other nations will one day adopt population control measures as China has. This is necessary. In this instance, abortion would be necessarily legalized for the future of humanity.

These are what I call the patterns of social evolution. When we realize what we thought yesterday was incorrect and adjust for the betterment of humanity. Where we realize that what we thought was morally wrong yesterday is acceptable or required today, or what was alright yesterday is actually unacceptable or harmful to humanity.

If you study history you will find that we as a whole are moving in the left or liberal (not necessarily libertarian) direction. I can tell you that eventually racism will be entirely eliminated, as will homophobia. Neo-conservative forces in the world do what they can to prevent this evolution forward, but all they do is hinder the social progression of humanity.


This brings me to a pattern that can be traced for generations: the dissolution of human labour. In the 19th century, the industrial revolution transformed work into the capitalistic business-based society we have today. Before, a man made his product or service and kept all profit. Afterwards we have what politicians once called wage slavery. This is where a man or woman sells their time and energy to the highest bidder, normally making just enough to get by while the master keeps most of the profit. Today we call this business.

But the industrial revolution is not known only for this dramatic shift, but also the introduction of machinery replacing human labour on a massive scale. Since this time you’ll see more and more human jobs slowly being replaced by our more efficient counterparts. In the cold war era, many people feared technology to a degree. Even the television and microwave made many uneasy. But today, most in developed nations are nothing short of obsessed; in love with technology. Smart phones, facebook; we are entering a new era of technology.

When we ask ourselves what our meaning or purpose for existence is, we look towards religions and deities. These deities are the closest form of perfection we have to compare to. But we are taught that nobody will ever be perfect. However, we have given ourselves a meaning to live. We are becoming our own gods, reaching closer to perfection with every generation. This is our purpose, one which we’ve given ourselves without even recognizing. We have always strived to make labour and living easier, to find the more perfect way of doing things, even after we have become the dominant species on earth. Now we have bore our own child, technology. And it will someday eliminate all forms of human labour.

There’s not a single job out there that can’t or won’t be replaced with technology. In a few generations, mechanics and technicians will be the dominant occupation. Afterwards, even they will be replaced. Already there is an assistant mechanic, a robot, on the international space station.

How would we let this happen? We won’t. Companies and governments will. Let’s look at offshoring and outsourcing jobs. Companies will do anything to cut labour costs, giving them the competitive edge. It’s this blind drive for profit which will be their undoing. Unless governments step in and place restriction laws as to how many jobs a company can eliminate, this shift will be inevitable. And placing such a restriction, preventing companies from competing with their rivals, doesn’t sound very capitalistic does it?

Restaurants, which thrive on human interaction, are already starting this transition, with eliminating servers for touch screen tablets. Even the one thing that boosts economies the most, and has always been done by humans is being replaced with drones, war.

And what’s to happen with a world without labour? How will we survive without income? Well it’s obvious companies will become irrelevant. The transition, which I call the 2nd Industrial Revolution, will give governments no choice but to nationalize almost every industry, and supply their people with enough to live, making welfare look like giving a homeless person a dollar.

Through the patterns of history, we see technology is heading in this direction, making capitalism ultimately doomed unless we can colonize other planets or begin mining asteroids before this happens, which is very unlikely as war is such a high priority on this planet compared to space exploration. One can only hope this change will not be too violent and if humans continue with their intense obsession with technology, it’s a guarantee of an even faster transition.


Even our own game could be entirely run by technology. With keeping a system of servers operational, hardware fixes are becoming the only human-necessary task. As I’ve said, with the advancements of machine mechanics, even this game could one day be run without human work. Software could track the reactions from the player base to various changes, and make decisions and other changes/updates off of those reactions, should the game last long enough to see such advancements in technology.


What are your predictions for the future? What patterns lead to your predictions of our future? What are your thoughts on my predictions? Have any of your predictions of the past already come true?


I’ve been working with tailteann and playing a number of games lately. I’ve requested off on a night once a week that I’ve been working for years so I may have more time for this game soon. Until then I’ll be around, chirping about in congress occasionally and recruiting for tailteann.


Issue Song:
The Misfits – We are 138

"They are usually denominated labor-saving machines, but it would be more just to call them labor-doing machines" - Daniel Webster

The Irish Radical issue #111