Magija ljubavi....

Day 1,885, 12:34 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Magija ljubavi - The magic of love

Sve je to pocelo,vise se ne secam kada...
Pomislih zivim svoj san
Ispunila se moja zelja i rodila se nada...
It all started, I do not remember when...
I thought I lived my dream
My wish came true and a new hope befell...

Ali kao i uvek neki neki grozni vetrovi tuge
Rasprsise sve snove...
Ne znam odakle duvaju,sa severa ili sa juga
Znam samo da ranjavaju i posle njih ostaje tuga...
But, as always, some dreadful winds of sorrow
have blown away all my dreams.
I don't know where they blow from, whether from the south or the north,
I only know they hurt so much and after them it is only sorrow I got...

Kao po navici i dalje sliku tvoju gledam...
Uz suze je ljubim i nikom je ne dam...
A tebe to vise i ne zanima..
Otisla si dalje a tamo mene vise nema!!
As if in habit at your picture I stare...
I kiss it in tears and do not give it away...
For that you care no more...
You drifted to the place where I dwell no more!

A ona crvena ruza koju sam u basti posadio za tebe
Svojim trnjem koje me nekada milovalo
Pravi duboke rane i povredjuje mene...
And that red rose I had planted for you in my garden
With its thorns that used to caress me
Now hurts and deepens my wounds...

Da li tako mora uvek da bude??
Da li je covekova sudbina da uve pati i ceka...
Da li je ljubav samo iluzija u koju verujemo??
Mozda magija cudesna neka...
Does it always have to be like that?
Is one's destiny to always suffer and wait?
Is love nothing but the illusion we believe in?
Perhaps some miraculous magic within?

Zna li neko gde se taj madjionicar krije??
Taj carobnjak koji tamo u svetlo pretvara...
Koji pomocu ljubavi sve stvara...
Does anyone know where that magician is hiding?
That wizard who turns darkness into light,
who creates it all with the help of love at first sight...

A ja bih opet da dam sve
Za trenuak magije te...
But I would give all that I possess
For one sweet moment of that magic's caress...

Senka hvala za prevod na engleski!!