Lista igraca koji trebaju gifteve / List of players that need gifts

Day 4,470, 11:26 Published in Croatia Austria by Rabbit of Caerbannog

Pozdrav svima,

Evo jednostavno je:

Svi koji trebaju gifteve, stavite komentar nize.

Oni koji mogu poslati, stavite Reply toj konkretnoj osobi na komentar koliko mozete ili ste vec poslali + info da li je limit dosegnut / ako vidite koliko jos igrac moze primiti.

🇬🇧 ENG version

Hi all,

If you need gifts, please put a comment to this article.

If you can send gifts, pls put Reply to specific comment (how much you can send, or did sent + info if you see player is maxed or how much more he/she can receive)

is in the

