Day 3,468, 17:09 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

Look out kid
Don't matter what you did
Walk on your tip toes
Don't tie no bows
Better stay away from those
That carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows

^ Click me!

This week in revolutionary theory, the topic is Attitude!. Let's think. Obviously, promoting the Protracted Revolutionary People's War (PRPW) requires you to have stamina and patience. The game is about as exciting as 3-day-old dog turd that's baked in the sun. So yeah, you need some basic fortitude just to keep going.

But that applies to everyone who sticks with silly old eRep for any length of time. Sheer endurance alone doesn't qualify you to contribute massively to the PRPW. For that, one needs a really bad attitude, the kind of thing that I like to call Revolutionary Crime-Think.

Let's think...

JUSTICE CANNOT BE OBTAINED under any Law. For a practioner of hard-core Ramonism-Nolanism, PQ-Thought, like me, or say, most of the rotten inner core of the SFP and few other dark whirlpools of trouble around town, the glorious goal of the PRPW is to transform EVERYTHING. Not to just replace the old boss with a new boss, call it "communism", and then go home to play croquet with the spices and the kidlings.

We have revolutionary theory. And that's good. but it's not enough.

While the revolutionaries and their lovers and friends benefit tremendously from having available a grand storehouse of e-revolutionary science, powered by the awesome energy of e-materialist dialectics, and accumulated in the vast caverns of the undersea library, somewhere off the coast of Austrlia, of the Socialist Freedom Party, where it is free from corruption, trojans, seaweed, mold, and revisionism, all of that fantastic theory and accumulated praxis that doesn't mean squat without you, the individual player-revolutionary, carrying a deeply criminal attitude into your everyday eRepublikan life.

ACTION, my sistren and brethren, ACTION! Action in accord with spontaneous nature. Action which is just. Action is the thing, laddies and lassies. And such actions that we seek to unleash on the way to the PRPW cannot, in the end, be wholly defined by any dogma.

Nor can truly beautiful crimes be committed against self or other. But only against the mordant crystallization of Ideas into structures of poisonous Thrones, Dominations and Accumulations. Think on't. Crimes are committed constantly by legal fiat. The accusation of "crimes against nature" or even "crimes against humanity" are ultimately fictions, especially in the e-world.

It is only the "Law" that punishes. Not "nature" or "god" or "the international community".

Sooner or later the uncovering and unveiling and discovery of the true nature of self-in-the-game, of the revolutionary ego, transmogrifies the sleeping and zombified players into woke brigands. It is like stepping into another thrilling e-world, then returning to the humdrum everyday one, to discover you've -- somewhat startlingly since for a brief moment you really had FUN -- been declared a traitor, heretic, exile, blacklisted. The Law waits for you to stumble onto such a mode of being, to become an e-soul that is different from the cookie-cutter US-Forum-stamped standard-issue dead meat. As soon as you begin to act in harmony with nature, then the e-Law -- which is also a fiction -- reaches out to garotte, strangle and silence you.

Revolutionaries, commie-punks, anarka-mamas and other assorted brave and bold no-good-niks: Don't play the blessed liberal middle class martyr! Accept the fact that you're a criminal and be prepared to act like one.

PARADOX is your friend. To embrace chaos is not to slide toward entropy. It is to emerge into an energy like that of the stars, into a pattern of instantaneous grace, a spontaneous order completely different from the carrion pyramids of our e-sultans, e-muftis and their grinning executioners.

After Chaos comes Eros. This is the principle of order implicit in the nothingness of the unqualified One. It is the spark, the dialectic that emerges from the empty set, the event that creates this thing we call a unit: a singularity. Perhaps even a big bang. And with the inevitable certainty of millenia of life-formingness: then one seeks after twoness. One divides into two, or attaches one to one. Love is a structure. It is the only code untainted by slavery and the drugged sleep of the e-spectacle. We MUST become crooks and cons to protect its eternal spiritual beauty, its mathematical song, in a sparkling bezel of clandestinity, in our lush hidden gardens of espionage.

Don't just survive while waiting for someone's revolution to clear your head for you. Don't sign up for the default armies of anorexia, bulimia, nor those of fetishized consumption and money-mania. Don't be a dick. Or a snitch.

Act as if you were already free. Calculate the odds, then step out. Every player has his or her own vine and fig tree. Carry your rebel passport with pride.

Oh. And don't get caught in the crossfire. Keep you back covered.

But take the risk. Dance before you calcify.

Read your Dickens. The natural social model for revolutionary crime-think is the Artful Dodger's gang of child thieves. Money is a lie. This adventure is entirely feasible without it. And besides, all booty and pillage should be spent before it turns back into dust.

Today is Resurrection Day, my friends. Money "wasted" on true beauty is alchemically transmuted into elixir. As my Uncle Malcom used to say, stolen watermelon tastes better. The new world is already re-made according to the heart's desire, but e-civilization owns all the leases and most of the guns.

The feral angels of our better nature demand that we trespass, for they manifest themselves only on forbidden ground.

Be the High Way. Practice the yoga of stealth, the lightning raid, and the enjoyment of great treasures.

Until next time, stay alert, remember to punch the fash-boi-sie every chance you get, and yeah, it's OUR game.

All Power to the People.

Steal this book.