Last Updates // Poslednje Promene

Day 2,275, 08:59 Published in Japan Japan by MartinSkull
Srpska verzija ispod


As you all could have seen today around 11:37 in “latest updates”
section (because of server bugs), admin is preparing few very unpleasant surprises.
When the missions and training contracts are over…

This long-awaited change is taking effect on the day 2286 of the new world.
5th training center called “Assassin training center” is being implemented,
and you will gain 100 strength points when it is upgraded to q5, or 20 strength if q1.
Price of training in this training center will be 2,68 gold.

Also, as you might have concluded, q5 training centers are also being implemented, and the price for upgrading from q4 to q5 will be around 200 gold (or 100 gold on a promotion,) which means it will cost 370 gold to upgrade a training center from q1 to q5 (203,5 gold on a promotion).
And to make things even worse, Super Soldier medal requirements are raised from 250 to 500.

That's all, thank You for reading, pls shout 🙂
~~~~Last Updates~~~~

Srpska verzija

kao sto ste mogli danas oko 11:37h videti u sekciji "poslednje promene"
(zbog bagova na serveru) admin nam sprema nekoliko neprijatnih iznenadenja.
Po zavrsetku misija i isteku ugovora...

Dugo naslucivana promena uvodi se 2286 eDana.
Dodace 5ti trening centar "Assassin Training Center" koji ce na Q5 davati ravno 100snage odnosno 20 snage na Q1.
Cena treniranja u "Assassin Training Center" bice 2,68golda.

Takodje, kao sto ste mogli vec zakljuciti, uvodi se Q5 nadogradnja koja ce sa Q4
na Q5 kostati 200g(100g na popustu) a sa q1 na q5 370g(203,5g na popustu).
A da stvar bude jos gora, da bi se dostigla SS medalja, trebace sakupiti 500snage.

To je sve, hvala na citanju i molim za shaout 🙂
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