Kurt Tucholsky goes SPÖ

Day 2,130, 09:16 Published in Austria Austria by Kurt Tucholsky
Dear Fellow Wombats!

Since i am disappointed the SPÖ has turned into a party with a girl and a fast car as their avatar and is no longer really the socialdemocratic party of austria, i decided i want to change this matter.

I call on everyone to support change in the SPÖ and help me doing so, my intentions are the best for austria, i want to unifie forces in the SPÖ, stop the PTO-ing war with somehow PTO-ing the SPÖ back. I say this straight away cause i don't want/need/like to hide my intentions. I am no liar, not corrupt and a nice and trustworthy person. Everyone who will support a change to socialdemocratic values in the SPÖ will be rewarded and honored offcourse, cause you turned the back on your poor past and choose to stand for what is real and honorable!

after all, CATS and TIGERS are very honorable animals, thought they kill others with their bare teeth alive and brutally.

therefor i now call on you to support the transition into WOMBATS.
who is with me?!

Dragi Wombats!

Budući da sam razočarana SPÖ je pretvorio u stranku s djevojkom i brz automobil kao svog avatara i više nije stvarno Socijaldemokratska partija Austrije, odlučio sam da želim promijeniti tu materiju.

Pozivam sve da podrži promjenu u SPO i pomoći mi tako radi, moje su namjere najbolje za Austriju, želim unifie snage u SPO, zaustaviti PTO-ing rat nekako PTO-ing SPO leđa. Kažem to odmah, jer ja ne želite / trebate / želite sakriti svoje namjere. Ja nisam lažov, korumpiran i nije lijepo i pouzdana osoba. Svatko tko će podržati promjenu socijaldemokratskih vrijednosti u SPO-u će biti nagrađeni i počašćeni offcourse, jer si okrenuo leđa svoje loše prošlosti i odlučite se kandidirati za ono što je stvarno i časno!

Uostalom, mačke i Tigrovi su vrlo časni životinje, mislili da ubijaju druge sa svojim golim zubima živ i brutalno.

umake i sada Pozivamo vas podržati tranziciju u Wombats.
tko je sa mnom?!