KPeD about Primares And Food

Day 1,798, 00:09 Published in Germany Germany by Skalg von Tuari

Weird Music

It seems to be a new trend to give away food. Well, we are not sellouts, so lets criticise mainstream like a real hipster:

When people gave food away, they did it in order to help people. They would make crazy challenges to have some fun, post riddles, games and so on. Or they would celebrate something - some even took newbs in, gave them food and advice, until they „graduated“.

Nowadays, people give food away under a party trademark. They don't say it - but they want you to join their party. They promote a trademark - their party logo. Its basically the same as free pens. You can use them, you will use them, but the company wants you to see their name whenever you do, and they hope to gain something from that.

So do not be fooled by this. Take their food, take their advice, but don't join them simply because they give you that. Join them because you tried their community out and because you liked. it.

As a communist party, of course, we can not take part in a trend like this, as it transforms politics into a clientele-like state, where you vote for the one that gave you most, not the one you think is best (because he gave you...nvm).

Ok, lets get to internal matters.

Primaries are open!

Read the thread thoroughly, I'm explaining how that works and what you should do as a candidate. As always - if you wanted to run, you should have told me that until NOW. Primaries will go during 23rd, make your choices wisely.

If you want to candidate, you have to be on the forums. If you want to vote for primaries, you have to be on the forums. And if you want some extra food, give are a reason why you are the bestest commie ever when you introduce yourself on the forums. Did I drive this point home?

Oh, yeah, that's already it.

Still feeling kinda lonely

Skalg von Tuari