Isprika prijatelju / Apology to friend

Day 1,957, 06:29 Published in Croatia Croatia by Argrob

Dragi prijatelju,

Nadam se da ćeš shvatiti moju bol i razočarenje. Igram jednu pomalo suludu, virtualnu igru. Igru u kojoj su mnogi zaboravili sve vrijednosti pravog života, ali bili su spremni u nju unijeti svu frustriranost, ljudsko zlo i sebičnost. Priznajem i mene je ponekad ponijela slast pobjede i moći. Trudio sam se to nekako prevladati. Sada, gledajući što i kako neki moji suigrači rade, jednostavno se osjećam sramno i žalosno. Nažalost, i oni su moji. Pripadamo istoj maloj i ponosnoj naciji. Iako razmišljamo drugačije.

Znam da smo prijatelji. I vjerujem da je to prijateljstvo iznad ovih gluposti. I baš zbog toga što Ti, kao prijatelju, ne moram objašnjavati poteze pune gorčine i jala počinjene od nekih mojih suigrača, ja osjećam potrebu da Ti se ispričam.

Počiniti zlo bez namjere, nešto je što nam se u životu dogodi. Katkad povrijedimo i naše najdraže, a kamoli ne one malo udaljenije i neupućene. Ali počiniti zlo sa namjerom, čin je koji nas odvaja od ljudskosti, prijateljstva i ljubavi. A ja nisam spreman tako igrati, a ni živjeti.

Netko će možda reči da nismo odgovorni za postupke drugih. Ja smatram da jesmo. Ako ne zbog ničega drugog, onda barem zato što moramo jasno i glasno distancirati se od njihovih postupaka. I zato dragi prijatelju, molim Te primi moju ispriku, jer se ne želim u nijednom trenutku poistovječivati sa takvim načinom igre.

Hvala Ti prijatelju na razumijevanju i podršci.

Tvoj Dida

PS. Za neupućene članak se odnosi na nedavne događaje u eHrvatskoj, usko povezane sa banovima igrača, orgova i predloženim zakonima.


Dear friend,

I hope you will understand my pain and disappointment. I'm playing a game, virtual, probably a little bit crazy game. A game where many forgot all the values of real life, but the game where they were ready to bring in all their frustrations, human evil and selfishness. I confess, I was tempted by the sweet taste of victory and power, but I've tried to overcome it somehow. Now, looking at what some of my teammates are doing, I feel sorrow and shame. Unfortunatelly, they're all mine. We're part of the same, small, but proud nation. Even though we think differently.

I know that we're friends and I believe that friendship is bigger than all this foolishness. And because of that, my friend, I don't have to explain you actions full of bitterness and envy committed by players in my team. But I feel the need to apologize for them.

Commiting evil without intention is something that at some point of life happens to everyone. How could we avoid hurting those who are far to us, when sometimes we even hurt our dearest. But commiting evil with prupose is an act that's separating us from humanity, friendship and love. And I can't live, nor play that way. Some will say we're not resposible for other people's actions. I think we are. If nothing more is in our power, at least we're obligated to separate ourselves from their actions.

And that's why, my dear friend, I'm asking you to accept my apology, because I never want to connect you with that style of play.
My dear friend, thank you for your understanding and support.

Faithfully yours,


P.S. For those unimformed, this article is reffering to the recent events in eCroatia, closely related to player and organization banns and laws proposed during that period of time.