Day 2,276, 05:11 Published in Albania Albania by Dobit1

Dear friends of eAlbania,as we all know e World is changing these days and everyone needs true friends, so that's why eAlbania has thought for this and has been in contact with ePoland.
I have made an interview with CP of ePoland MisziPL

Even he was very busy taking care of his country, he found some time to answer my questions so I want to thank him in the name of all Albanians

Here is the interview that we have made together Dobit1 - MisziPL

1. Can you talk about your political and military career in Poland ?
Well, I mostly focused on political career. I started focusing on politics in 2012 and it continues till today. By that time i mostly focused on work in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ruling a country and 😉 If you are interested in all positions in my political career you can check "About Me" on my profile page.

About military I'm only focusing on simple fights or something more when we have serious campaigns like that one with Romania

2. Who are the best moments that you have reached as the CP(our a post in Government) of Poland ?
(you meant what are the best moments right? xD) Well the best momets are when in example I have opportunity to attack other countries and conquer them, but not countries like Belgium, I prefer stronger opponents but only when they make some resistance. It's the best moment of being President for me if I have to challenge moments like epic wars 🙂

3. What do you know about eAlbania and eAlbanians ?
Well as being politician especially working in Ministry of Foreign Affairs I must have knowledge about many countries. To be honest I don't know many eAlbanians but by looking at eAlbanians that I know they seem to be really nice and friendly.

4. What do you and your people think about eAlbania and eAlbanians ?
Well the opinion may be different because each person can have other opinion than other. I think, because we didn't really had occasion for longer cooperation also some of opinions can be caused by some stereotypes. But I think by looking on eRepublik history that opinion from neutral can go to positive, not in day or two but in rather short period of time it is possible.

5. How do you see the future between our nations ?
Well for questions like that one I have rather short answer. Everything is possible, it's the same answer i used few months ago when I was asked about possible alliance with Croatia 😉

6. What will be your message to eAlbanian government ?
Well You surprised me with that kind of question 😛 Even if your country is small it still can mean much in this ruled by Plato and Gold world, and remember everything is possible. o/

Thank you very much for your attention.
Best Regards from Dobit1 and all Albanians



Miq te dashur te eShqiperise,siq e dime eBota eshte duke ndryshuar dita dites dhe miqte e vertet i duhen gjithkujt,andaj edhe Shqiperia ka menduar per kete dhe eshte ne kontakte shume te mira me Polonin.
Une keto dite kam ba nje intervist me Presidentin e Polonis MisziPL

I cili edhe pse ishte shum i nxan me punet e shtetit te tij,prap gjeti kohe qe te na e plotesoj intervisten dhe me kete rast dua ta falenderoj shume ate nga ana e Shqiptareve

Tani dua te ju prezantoj intervisten qe kemi bere se bashku Dobit1 - MisziPL

1)A mund te na flisni per karrieren tuaj politike dhe ushtarake ne ePoloni ?
Me shume un jam fokusuar ne karriereren politike. Fillova te merresha me politike ne 2012 dhe vazhdoj deri me sot.Gjate kesaj kohe jam perqendruar ne punen e Ministrise se jashtme. Per me shume info rreth karrieres sime mund te shihni ne "About Me" tek profili im.

Persa i perket ushtrise,une bej luftimet ditore si cdo qytetar ose me shume kur ka ndonje lufte serioze si kjo me Rumanine.

2)Cilat jane momentet me te mira qe keni arrit si CP (ose ndonje post qeveritar) ne e Poloni ?
(Doni te thoni momentet me interesante,apo jo xD). Momentet me te bukura jane ato kur kam mundesine te sulmoj shtete te tjera e ti pushtoj ata,por jo shtete si Belgjika. Preferoj kundershtar te forte ,kur ata bejne rezistence. Keto jane momentet me te bukura si CP ,kur ka mundesine te kemi luftra epike (epic wars).

3)Cfare dini per eShqiperine dhe eShqiptaret ?
Perderisa kam qene nje politikan i cili punonte rregulisht ne Ministrine e jashtme,une duhet te kisha info per shume shtete. Te jem i sinqert nuk njoh shum eShqiptar por duke pare eShqiptaret,e di qe jane njerez te mire dhe miqsor.

4)Cfare mendoni ju dhe populli juaj per eShqiperine dhe eShqiptaret ?
Opinionet mund te jene te ndryshme,sepse dikush mendon dicka ndersa dikush mendon dicka tjeter. Mendoj qe perderisa skemi patur ndonje bashkepunim,disa opinione mund te vijne per shkak te disa sterotipave. Por duke pare historine e eRepublik nga nje opinion neutral shum shpejt mund te kalohet ne nje opinion pozitiv, jo ne 1 apo 2 dite por ne nje te ardhme te afert.

5)Si e shikoni te ardhmen e 2 shteteve tona ?
Per pyetje te tilla une kam nje pergjigje te shkurter. Cdo gje eshte e mundur,eshte e njeta pergjigje qe kam dhene disa muaj me pare kur me pyeten per nje aleance te mundshme me Kroacine 😉

6)Cfare mesazhi keni per qeverine e eShqiperise ?
Heh,Me keni surprizuar me kete pyetje 😛.Edhe pse shteti juaj eshte i vogel,mund te beje shume ne boten e cila drejtohet nga Plato dhe Gold-i dhe mbani mend : GJITHCKA ESHTE E MUNDUR

Falenderoj Napoleon 54 qe me ndihmoj ne perkthimin sa me te mire te kesaj interviste qe ka shume rendesi per Popullin Shqiptar
Origjinalin e Intervistet e gjen ne kete link KLIKO KETU

Ju Falenderoj per vemendjen

Me Respekt