If you change the game, then let us know too, please!

Day 1,152, 05:02 Published in Romania Romania by Zarvy

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Si uite asa, s-a mai schimbat ceva fara ca noi sa aflam. In articolul de pe forum in care s-a anuntat ca vom putea lucra in firmele proprii, scria ca ni se va lua 5 health points de fiecare data cand lucram intr-o firma proprie. Ieri, Plato a modificat postul de pe forum si in loc de 5 puncte a scris ca ni se vor lua 10 puncte de fiecare data cand lucram.

Deci, adminii ne anunta prima oara ca ni se vor reduce 5 puncte si apoi ne trezim ca defapt ne scad 10 puncte. Poate unii dintre noi au cumparat firme si au investit bani facand socoteala ca adminii ne scad doar 5 puncte. Aici este anuntul lor, si se vede cand au modificat:

Am postat pe forum si va rog sa dati si voi un 'signed' daca sunteti de acord sa cerem adminilor sa modifice din nou, cum au propus prima data: managerilor sa le scada 5 health points pentru fiecare 'work as a manager'. Poate se vor invata si adminii sa nu mai faca modificari fara sa anunte.



I am talking about the newest change: Work daily in all your companies!

When it was announced, admins said it will take 5 health points to work in each company. Yesterday, Plato changed the topic, and instead of 5 points they now take 10 points each time you work in one of your companies. This change was made without letting anyone know about it, it just appeared in the game.

Here is the topic:
and you can see it was modified, from 5 points deducted each time you work in one of your companies, to 10 points.

I, as a citizen, had plans made taking in consideration 5 points deducted. I bought companies because of your previous announcement. You changed it and now I and all other managers suffer. It is not fair. Please return to deduct at most 5 health points per company.

Please sign here if you agree: