I AM HERE!!! [Part I]

Day 663, 13:36 Published in India India by maverick10
Statutory Warning: All stunts performed by professional geek, Mav. Attempts at Crispness have failed. Do Not Try This In Your Forum or In Game. Smart-alecks beware; my words bite.

I saw a film the other day, 'Milk'. Whether one finds the issue dealt with agreeable or not, is not my concern here. Personally, I find it an awesome film!

But am not here to write film reviews, not today. I AM going to talk about a certain line in the film, that stood out for me; something that appealed to me and has reinforced you might say, certain belief systems for me.

At one point, Harvey Milk, the protagonist says:
"Politics is like theater. Its not so much about winning. You make a statement, you see: I am here!"

What struck me is the simplicity of it. Politics in eIndia has been very messy recently, but we have braved the storm, I think. I have been in the thick of things, and call me naive, but my biggest issue has always been, why these 'politics'; why can't we play it straight and if we're all here for the best interests, why the election dramas; the fanfare; the heated debates. To be honest, it was what was driving me away from politics.

Now I know better. Its not one line in a film, but a gradual realization, that has led me to this conclusion:
We, eIndians need to declare, and prove with the might in our blood, that WE ARE HERE.
We are here in this eWorld and we are a force to be reckoned with. It is not military might or our Gold reserves that define us, but the power of our will, backed by efficient management, effective negotiations skills, a steady growing populace, stable governance, and all that are vital for our eNation to be the most respected, most admired, and most Vital eNation in the eWorld. We have the ability, to LEAD other nations. We have the capacity to have a population in millions. We have the character, to root out corruption and injustice, and build a eNation that can show the way for this eWorld.

And, as much as we have the best of intentions, only good thoughts won't get us anywhere. For us the platform is our Governance, our parties. India United has always stood for a vision of eIndia. It stands for Unity, it stands for stability, it stands for growth. India United stands for the fine blend of the old and the new: experience & new blood. It has proved time and time again, that it only has eIndia and her people in mind. Last elections that belief was only strengthened, as we got over 67% congress seats, with 12 first time congressmen, and the highest number of votes for a single Congressmen (David Forde with 47 votes). It wasn't one man's achievement, but a joint effort, and as current Vice Party President, I am glad to have been a part of that effort.

Now we can move only forward, achieve only more, take eIndia to only greater heights.
As appointed Prime Minister of eIndia, eIndian Ambassador for eRepublik, & more than these 'tags' a dedicated eIndian, I state:
I am here! I stand for all of eIndia and each Citizen who wishes to declare: I am here. I stand for a party, which wishes & works to declare:
eIndia is here

Its not so much about winning. Its what we stand for that counts.
Today, I stand for Party Presidency of eIndia, as a pledge to work for eIndia with renewed vigor, and passion.
Today, I stand for eIndia, asking you, my fellow eIndians, precious Citizens:

Are You Here?
Are You with me?
Are You committed to serve eIndia?

I know I am.
I can't hear you yet, eIndia:
Shout out, if you hear me:


Editor, eI&TW

My apologies, for not being able to produce a better 'manifesto' with targets and such. I can only say, this term we'll do better than the last, and the India United Vision Statement (manifesto... boring term for what it actually is) will be out finally! This article is the first part in a series I have planned, so keep an eye out for them. Hey, and film buffs, do check out 'Milk'. Its really awesome! Oh yes... Vote for me, fellas n ladies! 😃

Thanks to all my readers. I respect all opinion. Please leave a comment below, or PM me here, so I may know you better, and improve my publication. The best comment/review (unfortunately by my biased standards) gets published in the next publication!

First Knight, The DODGE Order

Do read my other articles if you so wish. If you appreciate my articles and the chain of thought, do vote, subscribe & put up a shout for your friends!
The Philosophy of eIndia ~ Respect: A Tribute to eRepublik
eRepublik Admin on Twitter: "the article is close to a definition of what eRepublik should represent to the bigger part of the player-base. Respect!"
Make Each Day Count
Jackbid: "... so many players lose interest and leave eRepublik early... Coz they have not understood why they are doing what we do everyday in this game. Coz they did not understand that working together with the community for a common goal is the main objective of this game."
Prez Debate: Shail.back vs Dragons007
Dragons007: "I sincerely thank maverick for bringing out my agenda to public. Even though he supports Shail, he has been totally unbiased in this interview."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
eFreedom - Are You A Free Citizen?
Manju: A conquered nation, an emprisoned person, they will still find freedom on their's own mind, thought.
Rules of the Game A Manual for all Citizens of the eWorld, running for Congress.
Dodgy Order of Diabolical Geeks of Ethika ~ The doors to the Knighthood are open for all those who play eRepublik on the same principles, stated in The DODGE Order.
Do I sound Prime Ministerial enough? ~ My acceptance speech!! 😃

Dedication & Brilliance:
- To all my fellow Citizens of eIndia & my friends in the eWorld, especially those who guide me at every step!
- India United ~ Mile Sur Mera Tumhara
- Kit Fisto ~ Leader Of Poetry Revolution with whom I share a similar mission.
- Arjay Phoenician ~ Grain of Sand
- Ariel David Buena, ePhilippines President ~ The eRepublik Outsider
- dSoKre, for his valuable guidance, and his renowned paper ~ eWorld Trade Centar
- ArjaaAine, ~ The Times of eIndia, India's leading publication.
- Mr.Dee’s The Kerala Express
- Ashwamedh’s Diary Of Dick The Thinker
- Grainne Ni Mhaille, eIreland’s Ironlady. Knight Mav at your service.

Visual Poetry

My Blog: Revolution[10]

All Citizens of eIndia:
> Do join the eRepublik India forums!!!
> Subscribe to the Indian Armed forces newspaper for daily updates & instructions on the Training Wars!!!
> All Active Citizens can seek guidance on any matter or request for help from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, India.
> Do Read Internal Affairs' article: Be Active Build India

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