Human is better than Deva or Asura ?

Day 2,320, 14:46 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

Something new ... I would say.
Sure, that for you need (is recommended) some French tongue, I mean ... speaking 😃.
First of all, we all must understand we are all :
‘Je ne suis qu’un etre sans importance’
Not quite without importance, but, could be important.
Some of us, if determined, could became even ... paratpar guru or moksha.

Is this too hard for you ?
Cool down, take a Coke and some noodles and came back (if you please). We could and want not to do any harm to your person, nor physical, nor mental.

‚Pour oublier ma pein immense
Je veux m’enfuir
Que tout recommence‘

Basically, we tend to forget and avoid pain. We all do that.
Have you ever imagined a life without pain ? Try to!

‘Oh ma douce souffrance’

And it is true, we love to suffer. We enjoy this is much that we completely forget we are free. Born so.
Lately, seems that this kind of melancholic suffering is even appreciated. But why ppl suffer for ? Could they avoid that ?

‘Je remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
Un peu d’amour, un brine de miele’

We all love to imagine ourselves in an island, far from civilization (we love and hate it) living a simple life, with the one we love.

Don’t cry, guys. It is not over yet.

‘Et dans le nuit, je cours et j’ai peur
Est ce mon tour ?
Vien la douleur ...‘

So the pain came. When it is your time.
Do you, anyone, recall the cry of Siddhartha ? The pain to came is to be avoided !
Have you understand it ? Do you live accordingly ?

‘Et je m’envole, vole, vole, vole, vole vole'
Hmans always dreamed to fly. I do, don’t you ?
Could be to coolest thing in your life. But, it is say’ed we could do that with our souls.
Have you ever tried ?

Let we dance. Would you be so nice (as I know you are) to join me in this dance ?
It would be the dance of life. Of our life’s.

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !

You got here the real artist) HERE with the WALL