Geuzen Partij Nederland

Day 4,112, 11:10 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Krivi Kurjak

we are alive!


Geuzen Partij Nederlands is a political party founded on day 1285 by Jacob van den Guldenweege and proclaims:

We are a party that fights for the little guy, and the Dutch Identity!
The name Geuzen Partij descends from the historical figures named Geuzen, who are seen as the real Dutch heroes that fought against the Spaniards in the Eighty Years' War of independence.

On the day 1313 of the New World GPN participates for the very first time in the 33rd congress elections of the Netherlands and gained 6 seats (30😵 of the Congress.

On the day 1630 ElGorro was elected for Country President - first time member of GPN got elected as the President of the Netherlands.


Geuzen Partij Nederland is parliamentary party, has eight members what makes party the fourth biggest in the Netherlands. Party does not have the democratic capacity to form the Government nor to lead the country by itself, but GPN members are available at any time to support the actions taken by the elected Government, in interest of the Netherlands and its citizens.


Party President
Alex the best123
In game since 13 June 2011

Soldier of Praetorian Guard NL, Congress Member 14 times.

Secretary General
In game since 26 July 2011

Commander of Praetorian Guard NL, formerly President and Vice President of the Netherlands, Minister of Home Affairs, Congress Member 42 times etc.

In game since 11 November 2010

Soldier of one of the oldest military units in Serbia - Srpska Legija. Congress Member 32 times (in Serbia, Montenegro, Switzerland, India etc.), formerly President of Montenegro and Minister of Defence in Montenegro and Switzerland.

Spokesman of the GPN,