Gabriel White - platform

Day 760, 06:06 Published in Australia Australia by Gabriel White

Hi everyone, please take a moment to read my election platform.

I'm near the end of my third consecutive term as a proud Senator for South Australia, and I thought I'd give you a quick update on what I've being doing in that time. Although my first term was largely spent learning about game mechanics and intricacies, I've been a lot more active recently.

When I was first elected three months ago I wrote an article with the following election promises:
1) To support the liberation of Western Australia from Indonesia
2) To lobby for a Q5 Hospital for South Australia
3) To lower taxes in order to lower prices for manufactured products

All three of these election promises were fulfilled, and I personally proposed to lower import taxes, helping to weapons prices and giving a boost to our domestic manufacturing industry. There aren't many Senators around who can claim to have achieved everything they originally set out to do.

However - my new election platform is not going to be based entirely on what i WILL do, but more about what i WONT do.

What i will do
- Continue to support the manufacturing industry and our high region resources through tax cuts.
- Be active on IRC and be contactable most evenings.
- Listen to peoples requests and advice on law proposals and act on them.
- Continue to be involved in ACUK and bring this experience on how the military operates into the Senate.

What i wont do
- Fight and whinge on IRC and forums about other people.
- Actively try to disrupt other officials as they try to fulfill their responsibilities.
- Act like a complete and utter moron.

The fact is that there is too much fighting going on within the senate, the military and the elite within eAus. People have been stealing, cheating, attacking each other and generally causing chaos.

Ultimately, my election platform is to bring a bit of RESPECTABILITY to the Senate and be a mature, responsible, and trustworthy Senator.

Thank you for reading,
Gabriel White
ERA Senator for South Australia (3rd term)